BLOG | Unforeseen Dilemmas: The EU-Tunisia Migration Deal in Light of Human Rights Concerns. Was it a mistake?

Tunisia has become the main exit point for asylum seekers and refugees, especially those from sub-Saharan Africa. The EU, faced with a surge in arrivals to Lampedusa, has bolstered its cooperation with Tunisia, signing a Memorandum of Understanding with President Kais Saied. However, questions arise over the EU's handling of human rights abuses in Tunisia, reminiscent of past agreements with Turkey. Nargiz Mustafazade, a trainee in the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, writes about this topic in her blog.

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BLOG | The case of Lampedusa: A humanitarian crisis in the midst of a dilemma between EU solidarity and states’ sovereignty

In September 2023, Lampedusa, a small Italian island, faced an unprecedented surge in arrivals, sparking a heated debate within the EU. With conflicting perspectives from leaders like Ursula Von der Leyen, the focus has shifted from humanitarian aid to security concerns. This blog written by Nicolas Rouillard explores the complexities of the crisis, the divergent opinions, and the critical decisions ahead that could reshape Europe's approach to migration.

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