Aktuálně.cz | Fragmented Czech Regions Need Reform

In the autumn, regional council elections will be held. The existence of 14 regions in the Czech Republic, however, does not have a long tradition – they were only established in 2000, partly due to the anticipated entry into the European Union. This arrangement is now heavily criticized for their fragmentation, low and duplicative administrative capacities, and the associated negative impacts on the state budget. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, presents in her commentary on research on the capacities of the state and regions to draw from the Just Transition Fund, using the examples of the Karlovy Vary and Moravian-Silesian regions.

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Analysis | Conditions for Regional Preparedness to Draw on the Just Transition Fund

Through interviews with officials and other relevant actors at national and regional level, this research report identifies conditions for regional preparedness to draw on the Just Transition Fund. Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute Klára Votavová compares the situation in two of the three Czech regions that are drawing on the Fund: Moravian-Silesian and Karlovy Vary Region.

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Analysis | Can the Czech state distribute the just transition fund? Analysis of its capacities at the national level

The aim of this research report is to determine, through interviews with officials and other relevant stakeholders, whether the Czech public administration has sufficient capacity and organisational capability to effectively draw down funds from the Just Transition Fund. The author of the publication is Klára Votavová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute.

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Euractiv | Special EU fund for coal regions looks good but is costly

Establishing a new European fund to support coal regions may be perceived as a positive political step towards affected areas. However, the management of this fund poses challenges, not only in terms of finances but also in terms of personnel and time constraints, which could jeopardize its effective utilization. This conclusion arises from consultations with representatives of public administration and relevant regions and from their analysis conducted by Klára Votavová, member of research team at EUROPEUM.

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REPORT: Decarbonisation as a Cure for Energy Poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund

Our research assistant Jonathan Lyons wrote a report from a roundtable titled Decarbonisation as a Cure for Energy Poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund. It was the 2nd roundtable on the topic of the extended EU carbon markets, this time from the social and just transition viewpoint.

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Policy Paper: The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a Just Transition?

Our researcher Katharine Klačanský wrote a policy paper on "The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a just transition?" in which she mentions, for example, that a just transition to a green economy is one that leaves no one behind.

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Policy Paper: The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a Just Transition?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Katharine Klačanský napsala policy paper na téma "Budoucnost energetické chudoby: Bude Sociální klimatický fond stačit pro spravedlivý přechod?" ve kterém zmiňuje například, že spravedlivý přechod k zelené ekonomice je takový, který nikoho nenechá pozadu.

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Is climate litigation paving the way for a more effective and fair climate governance?

Charlotte Bufano has published a blog post that focuses on the topic of climate change in relation to governments and their policies.

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Představují klimatické spory směr k účinnější a spravedlivější politice ve věci klimatických otázek?

Charlotte Bufano přispěla blogovým článkem, který se zaměřuje na téma klimatické změny ve vztahu k vládám a jejich politikám.

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POLICY BRIEF: EU Horizon 2021-2027 – innovation momentum for Europe

Our Associate Research Fellow Katarína Svitková wrote the first article for the new EUROPEUM publications series: 2021–2027 Horizon Europe. In a policy brief Katarína summarises the objectives of Horizon 2021-2027 and introduces the "Innovation” pillar of the European Union funding scheme for the following years.

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