The human cost of the EU’s externalisation of fundamental obligations

More than half of all refugees from Syria is currently located in Turkey. In her latest blog, Tuba Nilüfer Uğur zooms in on the local situation and suggests steps that should be made by the EU to help this matter.

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The Islamic State: Territorially defeated yet persistent

The topic of another Eastern Monitor, authored this time by Jonáš Vlk, was the Islamic State which, although territorially defeated, persisted.

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Trump has reached a new low

Latest blog by our Christian K. Lassen stresses how ludicrous and insulting was Donald Trump's proposal to buy Greenland.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

How to tackle the issue with returning foreign fighters? Our Christian Kvorning contributed to the new IFAT publication with a chapter about the Aarhus model.

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RTVS: More than half a million foreigners have no right to stay in Germany

Christian K. Lassen was the guest of the RTVS where he commented on German measures to manage migration.

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The Cipher Brief: Emmanuel Macron: More of the Same?

Our Martin Michelot authored an article on The Cipher Brief in which he explores the stances of Emmanuel Macron in terms of France's defence & security policy and NATO membership.

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How complaining doesn’t explain the world

Our Head of Research Martin Michelot joins the V4 revue's debate on ‪#‎humansonthemove‬ writing about the changing atmosphere in the Czech Republic: about complaining, solidarity and responsibility.

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EU has a role to play in the suspended UN Syria Peace Talks I.

After the suspension of UN Syria Peace Talks with the Syrian government and opposition in Geneva, read what Matthieu Crévecoeur thinks about such a development and its significance for both the role of the EU in the Peace Talks and the Union's need to understand better the regional dynamics.

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French foreign policy has to be reconsidered

In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks, French president Francois Hollande decided to intensify the French military operations to a level politically and financially unbearable in the long term.

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Three myths about refugees, immigrants and the European refugee crisis

The refugee crisis has highlighted hitherto latent divisions within the EU, particularly amongst the V4 countries and Western Europe. The division is, at first glance, rooted in fundamentally differing perceptions of the crisis, giving rise to several myths whose veracity merits questioning. This blog will seek to challenge three of the most popular misconceptions about the refugee crisis.

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