Report | Climate policies are not the culprit of high costs and social inequalities, but can be the solution. But the government must seize the opportunity

This week, the Government will discuss in the third reading an amendment to the Emissions Trading Act, which also includes so-called household allowances. Under ETS2, these will charge for emissions from road transport and local heating - so they can help invest in infrastructure, renewable energy and support socially vulnerable groups. EUROPEUM Institute research fellow Rebeka Hengalová and others write.

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CNN Prima News | Plenary meeting in Strasbourg to decide on budget and loan to Ukraine

MEPs in Strasbourg will vote on a loan of up to 900 billion crowns to Ukraine. This should be covered by the proceeds from frozen Russian assets. Other topics to be discussed include the EU's draft budget for next year and the situation in Lebanon. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for CNN Prima News.

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Ekonomický deník | How should support for air transport work? The European Commission has launched a review of the rules

The European Commission opens a debate on aviation support in the coming years. The new rules should start to apply after 2027. In particular, the guidelines are intended to minimize negative effects on competition and aim to preserve connectivity. Project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute Filip Křenek commented for Ekonomický deník.

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Debate in Brussels | A wind of change? Role of Central Europe and the next EU political cycle

As the dust settles after a hectic period of post-election negotiations, Von der Leyen’s second Commission is faced with serious economic challenges. Recent reports of Draghi and Letta have clearly indicated that the EU is lagging behind other global powers in the areas of growth and competitiveness and this is reflected in the composition of the College as well as within strategic priorities for the next political cycle. Come listen and debate about challenges EU is facing!

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Šumperk region?

At the end of October, we will be heading to Šumpersko for the regional debate from the Café Evropa series. Join our guests to discuss how the region has changed over the last two decades and what EU membership has brought to the region. How could the region make better use of European subsidies? And what will you get out of the Green Deal?

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Report | Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?

On September 26th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized an expert discussion titled “Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?” The debate focused on the potential economic impacts of Ukraine’s accession to the Union, including the EU budget, sectoral policies, energy or critical raw materials. It also evaluated the opportunities for Central European countries and their private sector to strengthen the ties between the two regions. Read the full report below.

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Semily?

Come and debate at the next Café Evropa regional debate series! This time we will be in Semily. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you worried about what the migration pact, the Green Deal will bring? Have European subsidies helped the development of the town? What has the EU given and taken away from you? We want to hear from you!

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Hospodářské noviny | To finally have influence in Brussels. The government is pushing the maximum number of Czechs into the new European Commission

According to Politico, two thousand people have sent their CVs to the future head of the EU's common foreign policy, Kaja Kallas. This way they are applying for a place in her cabinet, i.e. in the team of her closest collaborators. Including assistants, there are usually up to 20 people in the cabinets of individual commissioners. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, and Filip Křenek, EUROPEUM analyst, commented for Hospodářské noviny.

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Summer school of the Center for an Informed Society 2024

This year's summer school of the Center for an Informed Society is over! In Horka nad Moravou, it offered students a unique opportunity to meet and discuss current issues of security and European politics. The event was held in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Eurocentrum Olomouc and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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Česká justice | What will Síkela be responsible for in the Commission?

Disappointment with the negotiations and the weak position of the Czech Republic was voiced when the new composition of the European Commission was announced. The presentation of the post to the Czech nominee Jozef Síkela is accompanied by a debate on how influential the position of Commissioner for International Partnerships is. Experts say that although the government had bigger expectations, much can be achieved even with the portfolio at hand. The current Trade and Industry Minister could help the EU to be a counterweight to Russian and Chinese influence in emerging economies, and could also push for greater raw material security. For daily Česká justice commented Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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