Policy Brief: New Resources of the EU Budget

Our researcher Vít Havelka, in his article "New Sources of the EU Budget", which was created under the Think Visegrad in Brussels project, writes about the new own resources of the EU budget, which are currently being discussed at the European level. The text specifically discusses why the reform of own resources is necessary and what are the positions of the various EU institutions and member states on these proposals. It concludes with a reflection on the Czech position, including an outlook on how it might evolve depending on the course of the negotiations.

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Policy Paper: Time to Redefine the Terms and Conditions of the Transatlantic Relationship? – 2021 Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

On November 18-19, 2021, the fourth edition of the Transatlantic Policy Forum took place. It was hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the International Republican Institute (IRI), supported by the International Visegrad Fund, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The aim of this Policy Paper is to provide a summary and analysis of the discussions that took place, while respecting the Chatham House rule and thus preserving the anonymity of the participants. This analysis aims to highlight and elaborate on the main findings of the participants.

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INFO.CZ: The world is slowly moving towards a carbon-free economy. The Glasgow Climate Conference showed that the EU has strong climate allies

It's no longer if, but how. Kateřina Davidová in a commentary for INFO.CZ describes the results of the climate conference in Glasgow. She evaluated international cooperation and negotiations between the "rich" world and developing countries.

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ČRo plus: Joe Biden's negotiations with Emmanuel Macron after the French-American diplomatic row and their further cooperation

Zdeněk Beránek, director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, spoke to Czech Radio about Joe Biden's European tour and his meeting with Emmanuel Macron for the first time since the diplomatic row over the cancelled delivery of French submarines to Australia. He explained what the agenda of their meeting was, i.e. how this row has affected French-American relations, but also how cooperation is taking place in the light of the rise of China, or on the topics of economic recovery and climate change.

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Policy Paper: New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4

In his policy paper "New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4", written in cooperation with the Think Visegrad think tank, Juraj Sýkora, a Junior Researcher at SFPA, analyses the current state of nuclear arms control, the New START Treaty, what it contains and who it concerns. The policy paper also analyses the prospects until 2026, when the extension of the Treaty expires.

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Radio Z: Hundreds of Middle Eastern migrants detained in Germany near the border with Poland in recent days, they entered the EU via Belarus

Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on current events on the Belarus-Polish border. Precisely because of migration, Poland extended the state of emergency on the border with Belarus. The problem will be discussed by the European Parliament.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: COP26: What can we expect?

We would like to invite you to the Prague Climate Talks debate, organized by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM together with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the United Nations Czech Republic. The media partner of the project is Deník N. On Tuesday October 5th, we will focus on COP26: What can we expect? The event will take place from 17:00 to 18:30 online on our Facebook.

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E15.cz: Jamaica or Traffic lights? Germany is waiting for a month of uncertainty after the election

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Vladimír Bartovic, commented on the result of the elections in Germany and the formation of a new government in an article for the E15.cz website, claiming that negotiations between the political parties would take months.

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Is climate litigation paving the way for a more effective and fair climate governance?

Charlotte Bufano has published a blog post that focuses on the topic of climate change in relation to governments and their policies.

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Český rozhlas Plus: Climate neutrality will hurt, but most importantly, the whole world must work together.

Our research fellow Kateřina Davidová was a guest on the Zaostřeno program, where she discussed key issues during international climate negotiations.

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