European Summer School 2016 – “Europe in Motion” Report

Between July 16 and July 26, 2016, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organized already 14th year of its traditional international summer school focused on current issues of the European integration.

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RTVS: Causes of Muslim radicalisation

Our Head of Research Martin Michelot shared his views on Muslim radicalisation in K veci programme on Radio Slovakia on Thursday, July 21.

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Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?

Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the ‪European‬ ‪Neighbourhood‬ ‪Policy‬ on in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

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EuropaSecura 2016: First round of the competition is behind us!

First round of competition for high school students took place on March 29th and 30th. The total of 321 teams, each composed of three students, from all over the Czech Republic competed.

Show more V4: Different opinions, common actions

Read the article summarizing launch of the book "Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict" in Bratislava. Among the authors are Věra Řiháčková and Helena Schulzová.

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Book launch: Diverging Voices Converging Policies: Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

We would like to cordially invite you to a public launch of the book “Diverging Voices Converging Policies: Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict” which was commissioned by the Prague and Warsaw offices of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

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Workshop in Kharkiv: "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe"

EUROPEUM's representative, Jan Kříž, participated in a workshop in Kharkiv on the topic of "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe". Read his report of this international meeting.

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EU has a role to play in the Syria Peace Talks II.

Matthieu Crévecoeur continues to analyse the current situation in the Middle East with connection to the suspended peace talks in Genève. He underlines the importance of solidarity and courage which should be demonstrated by the EU in order to make the peace talks successful.

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EU has a role to play in the suspended UN Syria Peace Talks I.

After the suspension of UN Syria Peace Talks with the Syrian government and opposition in Geneva, read what Matthieu Crévecoeur thinks about such a development and its significance for both the role of the EU in the Peace Talks and the Union's need to understand better the regional dynamics.

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Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the authors of the document commissioned by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung offices in Prague and Warsaw about the differing reactions of individual Visegrad countries on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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