Background Paper Think Tank Forum | Can the EU enlargement process be finally revitalized?

This article was written as background material for a panel discussion at the Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. The author of the article is senior researcher Jana Juzová. In the article, she discusses, for example, whether the war in Ukraine will speed up the accession negotiations of the Western Balkan countries to the EU.

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E15: Michal Hrubý: Capping of gas prices in the EU could trigger a rationing system

The European Political Community Summit brought together statesmen from all over Europe. One of the key issues discussed is energy and the search for a common solution to the energy crisis. The proposals presented are aimed at influencing gas and electricity prices, but the scope and method of intervention vary from plan to plan, as our researcher Michal Hrubý points out in an article for E15. He also discusses the implications of the solutions, such as the possibility of an energy rationing system.

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EuropaSecura 2022: a look back at the 15th edition of the competition for high school students on European defence and security

The national EuropaSecura competition for high school students on European defence and security, organised with Czech Army and the Ministry of Defence, has successfully completed its 15th year and selected winners who will travel to Brussels. Take a look at what the competition entails and what it looks like at the national final at the military base in Brdy. The students experienced how diplomatic negotiations within the EU and NATO take place and how crisis situations are handled within the EU.

Show more | The negotiations on Euro 7 are approaching. Will they put a stop to internal combustion cars in 2025?

Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented for the news portal on the long-awaited Euro 7 emission standard. In his commentary, he mentions the circumstances of its negotiation and talks about its potential entry into force.

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Aktuálně.cz: Macedonians and Albanians start negotiations on EU accession. Fiala flies to Brussels for this

The leaders of Northern Macedonia and Albania will open their countries' accession talks to the European Union in Brussels on Tuesday, something for which Northern Macedonia has been waiting for over 17 years and Albania for eight. The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on this fact for Aktuálně.cz. Faktor also commented on the agreement between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, which opened the way for North Macedonia to join the EU. Faktor believes that the EU may have set a precedent by allowing bilateral historical and cultural disputes to become part of the accession process.

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DELO.SI: Prime Minister Fiala's presidency will be hampered by past mistakes

The Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU begins today. One of the challenges that the Czech Republic will face is the possible extension of sanctions against Russia, for instance in the gas sector. However, the geographical proximity of Ukraine to the Czech Republic should facilitate negotiations on this issue. Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office, commented on this topic for the Slovenian online daily DELO.

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ČRo Plus: The European Union is preparing joint gas purchases. The summit has not yet produced an agreement on how to lower prices.

Our research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the ongoing negotiations on the European summit to help further joint action towards Russia and European energy independence. What will the energy crisis mean for the incoming Czech presidency?

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ČT24: EC to recommend Ukraine's EU candidacy

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for Czech Television on Ukraine's accession negotiations to the EU, whether it meets the requirements and how the other countries seeking accession are doing.

Show more The exception to the embargo is a birthday present for Orban, says a researcher at the Europeum think-tank

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý gave an interview to on the topic of oil imports to Europe and exceptions to the embargo. In the interview, he also describes the compromises in the negotiations on the form of the embargo.

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Studio TA3: The European Union has agreed on a partial ban on Russian oil. How will this affect the Slovak economy?

Our Associate Research Fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková gave an interview for Slovak TV TA3. Zuzana Stuchlíková talks about the process of approving the latest EU sanctions package against Russia and the ban on Russian oil imports. She discusses how the negotiations went, how the exemptions for Central Europe will work, what it means for fuel prices and what will happen next.

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