E15: Macron's European Political Community can help in the energy crisis

What will the first meeting of the European Political Community bring? Will it be possible for the Community to function without formal processes and institutions? And will the meetings have any real results? Representatives from more than 40 countries, including non-EU countries, gathered at Prague Castle to discuss the most important issues of the day. An article for E15 was written by Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office.

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POZVÁNKA: Zhodnocení prvních měsíců českého předsednictví v Radě EU

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na online debatu na téma "Zhodnocení prvních měsíců českého předsednictví v Radě EU", která proběhne ve čtvrtek 8. září od 17:30 online na našem Facebooku.

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E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

We would like to invite you to a conference on the occasion of the Czech EU Presidency on the topic: E-mobility: an OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe. The conference will take place on 17th October 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 at the European House, Jungmannova 745/24, Prague & online.

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E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na konferenci u příležitosti českého předsednictví EU na téma: E-mobilita: PŘÍLEŽITOST pro středovýchodní Evropu. Konference se uskuteční 17. října 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 hod v Evropském domě, Jungmannova 745/24, Praha & online.

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E15: Ukraine has been resisting Russian aggression for six months. A severe winter will test Western solidarity.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for half a year. Despite constant fighting and pressure from Russia on Ukraine, the Russian Federation has failed to conquer Kiev. On the surface, it may appear that the war has stalled, but this is merely a deliberate tactic by Ukraine not to engage in major operations, but to wear down the Russian army. Western unity may be affected by new leadership in Italy and the UK, for example. However, the Czech Republic can play an important role, as it currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz also commented on the topic.

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Gas in numbers | European gas solidarity: where does the Czech Republic stand? | UPDATED

European Union countries are facing a period of gas consumption cuts. Although the proposal agreed by Member States aims for a voluntary reduction of 15% in consumption in the coming months compared to the average of the past five years, the pressure for even greater savings will grow. And not only in natural gas consumption, but also in electricity. Our researcher Michal Hrubý has written an overview of gas and its use in the Czech Republic, in which he highlights the need for savings to help us get through this year's heating season and answers several questions related to gas consumption. Where does the Czech Republic stand on gas? What are our supplies and where to get new capacity? And how can we save for next winter? These questions are also answered in the review. We will update the overview gradually (originally published on 1 August 2022).

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iDnes: Czech sounds through Brussels. Spejbl and Hurvínek will be there with the Presidency

The Czech Republic will sit on the EU Council for the second time in July. Thanks to the presidency and the growing number of visiting diplomats, the Czech language is spreading through Brussels more than usual, so you can hear "ahoj" or "rád tě vidím" here and there in the streets, writes Žiga Faktor in his commentary for iDNES.cz.

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iDnes: Bruselem zní čeština. S předsednictvím se tam ukáže i Spejbl a Hurvínek

Česká republika bude od července v Radě EU zasedat již podruhé. Díky předsednictví a narůstajícímu počtu přijíždějících diplomatů se Bruselem rozléhá čeština více než obvykle, tu a tam tak můžete v ulicích zaslechnout „ahoj“ či „rád tě vidím“, píše ve svém komentáři pro iDNES.cz Žiga Faktor.

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REPORT: Fair and Sustainable Future of Transport and Buildings

Our researcher Tatiana Mindekova wrote a report from the debate, which focused on a fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings. The debate took a closer look at the ETS legislative proposal, its possible extension and the redistribution of funding in this area.

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REPORT: Fair and Sustainable Future of Transport and Buildings

Výzkumná pracovnice Tatiana Mindeková napsala report z debaty, která se zaměřila na spravedlivou a udržitelnou budoucnost dopravy a budov. Debata blíže rozebrala legislativní návrh ETS, jeho možné rozšíření a přerozdělování financí v této oblasti.

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