Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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E15: Macron's European Political Community can help in the energy crisis

What will the first meeting of the European Political Community bring? Will it be possible for the Community to function without formal processes and institutions? And will the meetings have any real results? Representatives from more than 40 countries, including non-EU countries, gathered at Prague Castle to discuss the most important issues of the day. An article for E15 was written by Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office.

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What can be expected from the ongoing Prague Summit? What does the meeting of politicians mean and what will it lead to? Prague as European Capital, New European Political Community, Security, No Formalities, Czech Presidency, Gas and Electricity - the six points cover all the most important topics that should be discussed during the meeting. The article is co-authored by our Brussels office manager Žiga Faktor.

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FLEET | Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks 2023

Registration for the third edition of the FLEET project is open!

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National Convention on the EU: Strategic Compass

Our Researcher Daniele Piatkiewicz and Office Manager Alexandra Ilková have produced a background paper for the roundtable of the National Convention on the EU, presenting the questions to be discussed: how will the implementation of the Strategic Compass contribute to shaping the EU's defence capabilities and how can the EU Strategic Compass and the NATO Strategic Concept make the EU a stronger and more capable guarantor of security? How will the Strategic Compass address current and emerging security threats within the strategic areas of competence? What can CZ PRES achieve in the implementation of the Strategic Compass?

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INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on our Facebook on Tuesday, September 27 at 11:00.

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E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

We would like to invite you to a conference on the occasion of the Czech EU Presidency on the topic: E-mobility: an OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe. The conference will take place on 17th October 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 at the European House, Jungmannova 745/24, Prague & online.

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Conference: Building momentum for CCS deployment in the CEE region

The purpose of the conference is to establish familiarity of regional (CEE) actors with the EU-level CCS policy initiatives, to introduce them to funding opportunities that could be used to facilitate and accelerate the deployment of CCS projects in the region, as well as to enable and encourage communication and cooperation among interested parties. The conference will take place on 6 September at 15:00 in Brussels at the Residence Palace (155 Rue de la Loi, 1000 Brussels) and will also be streamed online.

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Visegrad Insight Podcast: Are Czechs or Slovaks Downplaying the V4 Presidency?

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová was a guest on a podcast hosted by Visegrad Insight, where she discusses the launch of the Czech EU Presidency and the Slovak Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

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INVITATION: EU as a Task: Presentation of policy priorities of the Czech presidency to the Council of EU

We would like to invite you to the discussion titled: "EU as a Task: Presentation of policy priorities of the Czech presidency to the Council of EU", which will take place on Monday 20th June, from 17:00 at the House of European History, Rue Belliard 135, 1000 Bruxelles. The event is organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552