Češi a značka EU: Jak se cítí Češi ohledně EU a co by mohlo změnit jejich názor?

Tato studie je založena především na sérii 12 krátkých průzkumů výzkumné agentury Behavio a na longitudinálním výzkumu Ústavu pro empirický výzkum STEM. Vstupy odborníka poskytl Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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REPORT: Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making

The expert discussion titled “Implication of Brexit for EU Decision Making” was organised by the Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and took place on 28th November 2019 in Press Club Brussels.

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INVITATION: Reconciliation in Visegrad and the Western Balkans: Overcoming the Past Together

We would like to cordially invite you to an event organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and partners in the project “From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The event takes place onTuesday, 14th of January 2020 from 4.15 PM in European House (Jungmannova 24, Prague 1).

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Representation of the regions in the European Union: the V4 experience

Due to their close contact with citizens, regional and local authorities are usually the best informed on their needs. But is the voice of the regions and its citizens heard in Brussels? What options do the local governments have when pursuing their interests? And what is the situation like in V4 countries? Patrik Kováč answers these and many more questions in his policy paper as part of Think Visegrad Platform.

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Good practices and lessons learned from the Visegrad Four and Western Balkans

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in association with Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, European Movement in Serbia, WiseEuropa Institute and Academy of European Integration and Negotiation published final Policy Paper about good practices and lessons learned from the Visegrad Four and Western Balkans.

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POLICY PAPER - The Velvet Divorce: Dissolution of Czechoslovakia as an inspiration for Western Balkans

Our Jana Juzová wrote a Policy Paper about the division of Czechoslovakia as an inspiration for the Western Balkans.

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POLICY PAPER - Sametový rozvod: Rozdělení Československa jako inspirace pro západní Balkán

Naše Jana Juzová napsala Policy Paper o rozdělení Československa jako inspirace pro západní Balkán.

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INVITATION: Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making

The Think Visegrad Platform and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invite you to an expert discussion titled: "Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making"

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POZVÁNKA: Důsledky Brexitu na rozhodování EU

Platforma Think Visegrad a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM vás srdečně zvou k odborné diskusi nazvané „Důsledky Brexitu na rozhodování EU“

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An Inhospitable Climate: Why the V4 Needs to Wake Up on Climate Security

Louis Cox-Brusseau published a policy brief "Inhospitable Climate: Why the V4 Needs to Wake Up on Climate Security".

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