From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together

We are proud to announce that we will be organizing the project ''From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together'', supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

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Czechia between V4 and the EU: the impact of migration on Visegrad cohesion

Vladislav Strnad authored a policy brief on the impact of the migration crisis on the V4 countries across the EU context.

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World Youth Academy is organizing a 3-day training focused on conflict analysis and intervention planning. The event will take place on November 30th - December 2nd in Prague.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

How to tackle the issue with returning foreign fighters? Our Christian Kvorning contributed to the new IFAT publication with a chapter about the Aarhus model.

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ECFR: The Nightmare Of The Dark - The Security Fears That Keep Europeans Awake At Night

European Council on Foreign Relations issued an analysis shortly after the NATO Brussels 2018 Summit on the perceived security threats by the EU. Our director Vladimír Bartovic contributed with the Czech perspective.

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ČRo Plus: Impacts of the Syrian offensive

Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for ČRo Plus on the topic of the Saturday attack on Syria and its impacts on foreign policy of the Czech Republic.

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Labour market reform and Visegrad countries: Deep rooted concerns and how to address them

Alena Kudzko, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief concerning the ongoing labour market reforms in the EU and recommends steps to be taken for the CEE countries, not to end on the economic and political periphery of Europe.

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Myanmar, Rohingya Crisis: could the EU play an important role?

Our Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano in her new policy brief analyses the local situation in Myanmar connected with the discrimination of the Rohingya minority. She also tries to define the position of the EU and its possible engagement in the crisis.

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Roundtable debate: Conflict in Ukraine: Security Implications for the V4, the EU, and the Wider European Neighbourhood

On Friday, November 24, we hosted a roundtable debate titled ''Conflict in Ukraine: Security Implications for the V4, the EU, and the Wider European Neighbourhood''.

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Hulala: Le réarmement de la Pologne n’en est qu’à ses débuts

Our Martin Michelot analyzed for a French periodical Hulala the Polish armed forces.

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