Café Evropa: Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU - what awaits the EU under Czech leadership?

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU - what awaits the EU under Czech leadership?". The debate will take place on 23.6.2022 in person at Jungmannova 745/24 (Evropský dům).

Show more The exception to the embargo is a birthday present for Orban, says a researcher at the Europeum think-tank

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý gave an interview to on the topic of oil imports to Europe and exceptions to the embargo. In the interview, he also describes the compromises in the negotiations on the form of the embargo.

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National Convention on the EU: Conclusions and implementation of the outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe

The head of our Brussels Office Žiga Faktor has prepared a background paper on the Conclusions and Implementation of the Outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe. In it, he answers three questions: How to get more attention from citizens and the media for the conclusions of the Conference? How to ensure successful implementation of the outcomes of the CoFoE? Is it appropriate to use some aspects of the Conference after its conclusion?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: EU enlargement - when will the Western Balkan countries see their EU membership?

We invite you to a debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "EU enlargement - when will the Western Balkan countries see their membership in the Union?". The debate will take place on 7 June at 17:30 online on our Facebook profile.

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Seznam Zprávy: Czechs are happy to be in the EU, but for the young Czechs Chexit is unthinkable

Our research fellow Vít Havelka commented for Seznam Zprávy. In the article, Vít Havelka mentions the future Czech EU Presidency and the possibility of Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union. The article also includes the results of a survey conducted by the platform Výzkumník Seznam.

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INVITATION: Protection of information space, free media and their role in strengthening the rule of law

We would like to invite you to a conference on the protection of information space, free media and their role in strengthening the rule of law, which will take place on 3 June at 13:45 at the European House in Prague.

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POZVÁNKA: Ochrana informačního prostoru, svobodná média a jejich role v posilování právního státu

Zveme Vás na konferenci na téma Ochrana informačního prostoru, svobodná média a jejich role v posilování právního státu, která se bude konat 3. června od 13:45 v Evropském domě v Praze. Konference nabídne dva samostatné bloky.

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INVITATION: Reunification of Germany from the Czech perspective - public conference in Liberec

We would like to invite you to the debates within the rEUnify project, which will take place on Friday 3 June at the Technical University in Liberec. The event is organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Technical University of Liberec.

Show more The Brexit deal is in danger of collapse. The dispute between Brussels and London can be settled by the Czechs

Martin Vokálek, executive director of the Europeum Institute for European Policy, commented for E15 on the tense situation between the European Union and the UK in the area of economy and trade. In particular, the problematic region of Northern Ireland and compliance with the so-called Good Friday Agreement. The emergence of new tariff barriers between Britain and the European bloc is thus clearly a real threat.

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Café Evropa online: Hungary and the EU - how are relations between Brussels and Budapest evolving?

We invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Hungary and the EU - how are relations between Brussels and Budapest evolving?". The debate will take place on 26 May at 17:30 online on our Facebook profile.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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