E15 | Frost, rats and a gloomy mood. Ukrainians prepare for a hard winter on the battlefield

Danielle Piatkiewicz, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM, comments in a new article on the ongoing winter phase of the war in Ukraine.

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Policy Paper | The Perception of Visegrad Group on Enlargement in light of the Russian War on Ukraine

A new policy paper, produced with the support of the Visegrad Fund project, analyses the views of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary on the further enlargement of the European Union. With the granting of candidate status to Moldova and Ukraine and the recognition of Georgia as a potential candidate in June 2022, the issue of reforming the EU accession process is becoming absolutely crucial and, in the context of the war in Ukraine, a divisive issue for the V4 countries. The authors of the publication are Jana Juzová, Ferenc Németh, Tomáš Strážay and Marta Szpala.

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Policy Paper | The Perception of Visegrad Group on Enlargement in light of the Russian War on Ukraine

Nový policy paper, který vzniknul za podpory projektu Visegrad Fund rozebírá pohled Česka, Slovenska, Polska a Maďarska na další rozšiřování Evropské unie. S udělením statusu kandidáta na členství Moldavsku a Ukrajině a uznáním Gruzie jako potenciálního kandidáta v červnu 2022 se otázka reformy přístupového procesu do EU stává naprosto klíčovou a v kontextu války na Ukrajině je pro země V4 dělícím problémem. Autory publikace jsou Jana Juzová, Ferenc Németh, Tomáš Strážay a Marta Szpala.

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Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Report: Impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood

On October 25th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with Fondation Robert Schuman organized an expert discussion titled “Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood”. This discussion, which was held under the Chatham House rules, gathered 19 experts from think-tanks, EU institutions, NATO and diplomats from EU Member states.

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Report: Impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood

Dne 25. října uspořádala bruselská kancelář EUROPEA pod záštitou Think Visegrad Brussels a ve spolupráci s Nadací Roberta Schumana odbornou diskusi s názvem "Dopad ruské války na Ukrajině na evropskou bezpečnostní architekturu a východní sousedství EU". Této diskuse, která se konala podle pravidel Chatham House, se zúčastnilo 19 odborníků z think-tanků, institucí EU, NATO a diplomatů z členských států EU.

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Report: A Plan without Marshall: Getting Ready for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction

On the 7th November, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy under Think Visegrad platform organized an expert meeting focusing on current developments regarding the reconstruction of Ukraine, both on the side of the EU through its ambitious Ukraine Facility and through the lenses of international support for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction.

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Report: A Plan without Marshall: Getting Ready for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM v rámci platformy Think Visegrad uspořádal 7. listopadu setkání odborníků zaměřené na aktuální vývoj v oblasti obnovy Ukrajiny, a to jak ze strany EU prostřednictvím ambiciózního nástroje pro Ukrajinu, tak z pohledu mezinárodní podpory obnovy a rekonstrukce Ukrajiny.

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INVITATION | The Gender-Foreign and Security Policy Nexus: Can the EU be a Global Standard-setter?

We cordially invite you to a discussion with experts entitled "The Gender-Foreign and Security Policy Nexus: Can the EU be a Global Standard-setter?".
 Venue: The Library Europe, Avenue de Broqueville 40, 1200 W-S-L, Brussel

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ČT1 | Another step towards the EU enlargement

Ukraine and Moldavia are one step closer to the EU. European Commisison has recommended for the acession talks to start. Our senior research fellow Jana Juzová has commented on the issue of the EU enlargement in an interview with ČT.

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