ČTK | Far-right parties will get stronger after the European elections, but can they unite?

Could the far-right parties in the European Parliament win more votes than the traditionally largest EPP faction, as some polls suggest? And what would this mean for Ursula von der Leyen's chances of being re-elected as head of the European Commission? Žiga Faktor, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute and head of its Brussels office, commented for ČTK.

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Czech radio | The battle for EU leadership will start after the elections

The elections are not the end of the fight for the very leadership of the European Union. The coming weeks and months will decide the new leadership of the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Parliament. What will follow? Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, Žiga Faktor, answered questions for Czech Radio stations Radiožurnál and Plus.

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Deník N | Leaders of parliamentary parties debated about candidates for the European Commission

On Czech Television, the leaders of all parliamentary parties clashed in a debate full of crucial topics ahead of the European elections. In the end, the discussion focused on key European issues, such as the portfolio of the Czech Republic in the European Commission. The debaters also presented their favorites for candidates to the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Deník N.

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Novinky.cz | How to Interpret results of the European Elections

The ANO movement won the European elections, while the Spolu coalition took second place. The biggest individual winner was Filip Turek. In other European countries, the most resonant event was the significant defeat of French President Emmanuel Macron, who subsequently announced early elections. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, analyzed the European elections in the Novinky Express program.

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Euractiv | Ursula von der Leyen faces pre-election challenges

If Ursula von der Leyen wants to sit at the head of the European Commission for a second term, she will likely have to prepare a less green program than five years ago. While no surprises are expected for her nomination, a power shift is anticipated in the European Parliament, which approves the new head of the Commission. Pre-election models predict a strengthening of parliamentary factions critical of the Union. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Euractiv.

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TV Nova | Brussels will deal with the enlargement of the Union. Among the candidates are Turkey or Ukraine

The elections to the European Parliament are less than a week away, and one of the main topics that Brussels will have to deal with in the coming years is the enlargement of the European Union. A total of nine countries are waiting to join the EU, but according to experts, rapid expansion is unlikely. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, talks about the possibility of enlargement until 2030, which requires reforms from both the candidate countries and the Union itself. Jana Juzová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation for TV Nova.

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Aktuálně.cz | Von der Leyen is almost certain to secure a second nomination, but she may face challenges in the European Parliament

The campaigns for the European Parliament elections are not only relevant to Czech politicians but also to those from other countries. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, spoke with Aktuálně.cz about the chances of the current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. How did she perform in the previous electoral term? And what points should she focus on in her campaign?

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TN.cz | Migration Pact: A yay or nay? Public opinion is divided

Supporters of the new migration pact say the current situation is ineffective and only causes confusion. Critics of the new agreement, on the other hand, say the current status allows for greater flexibility in the processing of migration. But with whom do more voters agree? And do they believe in the security and protection brought by NATO membership? EUROPEUM Institute, in cooperation with the STEM agency, commissioned a survey, the results of which were presented to TN.cz by deputy director of EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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TN.cz | Up to a third of Czech voters do not know the EU Commissioner Věra Jourová

Czech Commissioner Věra Jourová has been Vice-President of the European Commission for the past five years, as well as Commissioner for Values and Transparency. EUROPEUM Institute has assessed her tenure and popularity in the Czech Republic in cooperation with STEM. The results of the survey were presented to TN.cz by EUROPEUM analyst Vít Havelka.

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ČT24 | Representatives of two factions absent from the Spitzenkandidaten debate

Five candidates for the post of President of the European Commission faced each other in the Spitzenkandidaten debate. Two factions did not send a representative at all. Moreover, these are the very factions that could be significantly stronger in the European elections than in the previous period. Missing were representatives of the far-right Identity and Democracy group, of which the SPD is a member for the Czech Republic, as well as the European Conservatives and Reformists, on which the Czech ODS sits. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24 about whether they were significantly absent from the debate.

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