Radio Praha: La sécurité et la cohésion à l'affiche du 3e Sommet Européen de Prague

Náš zástupce ředitele Martin Michelot v rozhovoru pro Radio Praha komentoval otázky, které letos byly klíčovými tématy Prague European Summitu, tj. otázky role České republiky v kohezní politice EU, migrace a bezpečnosti v Evropě.

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Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Our Deputy Director's takes on the French presidential elections, in chronological order and continuously updated.

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Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Všechny rozhovory, komentáře a publikace našeho experta na francouzskou politiku Martina Michelota seřazeny chronologicky a průběžně aktualizovány.

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Analysis: Social cohesion in Europe after the crisis

Radomír Špok, EUROPEUM's director, co-authored an analysis focusing on the cohesion policy in Europe.

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Analýza: Social cohesion in Europe after the crisis

Radomír Špok, výkonný ředitel EUROPEA, je spoluautorem analýzy, která se zabývá kohezní politikou v Evropě.

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National Convention on EU Affairs

The conference "European Visions of the Czech Republic", taking place on Thursday November 13, commenced a long-term work of the National Convention on EU Affairs. The Convention should serve as a platform for discussions concerning the European policies. Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM is a member of the Coordinating Council of the Convention and will also organize a round table discussion on Cohesion Policy which will be held on December 11.

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Discussion paper: Cohesion policy in new program period

EUROPEUM prepared a discussion paper for a roundtable organized as part of the National Convention on EU Affair.

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Recommendation: Cohesion policy in program period of 2014 - 2020: experience and challenges

EUROPEUM developed a recommendation on cohesion policy for 2014 - 2020.

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Another challenge for Europe: Fighting irregular warfare & exploitation of the NSAs

Europe, specifically the European Union, is now facing more pressing challenges than ever. Read a blog by Matthieu Crévecoeur in which he emphasizes the importance of staying united on both domestic and European level.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552