| Has the war opened a window of opportunity for EU enlargement? Just an illusion, real change takes time and commitment of all

In the framework of the conference Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement, an article on the views of member and candidate states on EU enlargement was written in cooperation with

Show more | Otevřela válka okno příležitosti pro rozšíření EU? Jen iluze, skutečné změny chtějí čas a odhodlání všech

V rámci konference Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement vznikl ve spolupráci se zpravodajem článek o pohledech členských i kandidátských států na rozšiřování EU.

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CRoPlus: The raw materials needed for a clean energy transition exist. The challenge is the time needed to gain them

The transition to clean energy requires sufficient critical resources to enable this transformation. Consumption of these materials is expected to grow significantly in the future. How will the EU's decarbonisation efforts evolve in the future? This topic was discussed by our researcher Michal Hrubý in the Studio Leonardo programme of Český rozhlas Plus. According to Hrubý, the problem is not the lack of resources, but the time it takes to obtain the raw materials. In this context, he draws attention to a new legislative initiative of the European Commission, which aims to better coordinate the time of extraction of critical materials.

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CRoPlus: Suroviny nutné k přechodu na čistou energii jsou. Výzvou je doba nutná k jejich získání

K přechodu na čistou energii je nezbytný dostatek kritických surovin a materiálů, které tuto transformaci umožní. Do budoucna se dá očekávat, že spotřeba těchto zdrojů výrazně poroste. Jak se do budoucna bude vyvíjet snaha o dekarbonizaci EU? Toto téma rozebíral náš výzkumný pracovník Michal Hrubý v pořadu Studio Leonardo Českého rozhlasu Plus. Podle Hrubého není problémem nedostatek zdrojů, nýbrž čas, který je nutný k získání surovin. V souvislosti s tím upozorňuje na novou legislativní iniciativu Evropské komise, která směřuje k lepší časové koordinaci těžby kritických materiálů.

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E15: Michal Hrubý: Capping of gas prices in the EU could trigger a rationing system

The European Political Community Summit brought together statesmen from all over Europe. One of the key issues discussed is energy and the search for a common solution to the energy crisis. The proposals presented are aimed at influencing gas and electricity prices, but the scope and method of intervention vary from plan to plan, as our researcher Michal Hrubý points out in an article for E15. He also discusses the implications of the solutions, such as the possibility of an energy rationing system.

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Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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E15: Macron's European Political Community can help in the energy crisis

What will the first meeting of the European Political Community bring? Will it be possible for the Community to function without formal processes and institutions? And will the meetings have any real results? Representatives from more than 40 countries, including non-EU countries, gathered at Prague Castle to discuss the most important issues of the day. An article for E15 was written by Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office.

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E15: Macronovo Evropské politické společenství může pomoci v energetické krizi

Co přinese první setkání Evropského politického společenství? Bude možné, aby společenství fungovalo bez formálních procesů a institucí? A budou mít zasedání nějaké reálné výsledky? Na Pražském hradě se sešli zástupci více než 40 zemí, včetně zemí mimo EU, aby jednali o současných nejdůležitějších otázkách. Článek pro deník E15 napsal vedoucí naší bruselské kanceláře Žiga Faktor.

Show more Why is the whole of Europe meeting at the Castle? A six-point summit

What can be expected from the ongoing Prague Summit? What does the meeting of politicians mean and what will it lead to? Prague as European Capital, New European Political Community, Security, No Formalities, Czech Presidency, Gas and Electricity - the six points cover all the most important topics that should be discussed during the meeting. The article is co-authored by our Brussels office manager Žiga Faktor.

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