INVITATION: Strengthening the transatlantic relationship in response to geopolitical challengers - Russia and China

We invite you to an online debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy as a part of Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) and with support of International Visegrad Fund. The debate will take place online on June 7 from 17:30 on our Facebook.

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The Transatlantic To-Do List: Biden's Progress Report

Last October, the third annual Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) took place virtually. The Forum not only brought together a wide range of experts but provided inputs and interesting takeaways, including recommendations and a Transatlantic To-Do List, which outlined action points on how the US and the EU should approach the given challenges ranging from increased multilateral collaboration to further development of economic and security engagement. A little over 6 months into his administration, our EUROPEUM experts Danielle Piatkiewicz and Miroslava Pisklová have updated their Transatlantic To-Do List and their 100 day’s progress report to reflect on where Biden’s foreign policy stands now over a half a year into the new US administration.

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Transatlantic To-Do List: Bidenův pokrok po půl roce v úřadu

Loni v říjnu se virtuálně uskutečnilo třetí Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF). TAPF nejenže spojil širokou škálu odborníků, ale také poskytl inspirativní nápady a zajímavé závěry, včetně doporučení a tzv. Transatlantic To-Do Listu, který nastínil, jak by měly USA a EU přistupovat k daným výzvám od intenzivnější multilaterální spolupráce po další rozvoj hospodářského a bezpečnostního zapojení. Po půl roce prezidenství Joe Bidena, expertky Institutu EUROPEUM Danielle Piatkiewicz a Miroslava Pisklová aktualizovaly zprávu o dosavadním pokroku a plnění Transatlantického To-Do listu.

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REPORT: EU± Implications of Brexit

On February 3, the very first debate of 2021 from the series EU± took place. The debate was organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Department of European Studies of FSV UK. The topic of „Implications of Brexit” was discussed by research fellow of Masaryk University Monika Brusenbauch Meislová, Czech diplomat to the EU Jan Havlík and research fellow of Charles University Ivo Šlosarčík. The debate was chaired by Tomáš Weiss, researcher, and head of the Department of European Studies FSV UK.

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Café Evropa a Café Evropa v regionech

Dlouhodobě úspěšný formát debat Café Evropa probíhá jíž od roku 2015. Cílem je zprostředkovat diskuzi o evropských tématech a postavení ČR v EU široké veřejnosti. Diskutujícími hosty Café Evropa jsou odbornící na danou problematiku a zástupci evropských a českých institucí. Od 2017 se debaty konají nejen v Praze, ale i v českých regionech.

Show more We ourselves must take over the responsibility for our future, Europe is outlining the path for us

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová recently published an article on news portal which deals with the topic of decreasing of the European emissions. The author opens the topic of Czech sceptical approach towards the new climate plan which was published by the European Commission mid-September.

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INVITATION: Eastern Partnership at the Turn of a New Decade: Continuing with Uncertainty or Ideal Conditions?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the debate on Eastern Partnership. The event is organized by the Think Visegrad platform, which brings together 8 think-tanks from Central Europe. It will take place on Monday, June 22nd 2020, at 17:30. The event will take place online (via Zoom) and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: European Green Deal: will it bring structural change?

On 12th May 2020 we organized online debate from the Climate Talks cycle. The topics was „European Green Deal: will it bring structural change?"

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: European Green Deal: will it bring structural change?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the UN Information Centre Prague. The debate will take place on Tuesday, May 12th at 4 pm .

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Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.

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