INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The future of European energy - how to ensure stable and clean energy sources without Russia?

We would like to invite you to the Café Evropa debate on 21 March at 17:30 on the topic "The future of European energy - how to ensure stable and clean energy sources without Russia?". The Russian invasion of Ukraine has, among other things, further fuelled the question of energy security in the Czech Republic and the EU and the future of energy in our country. The current security situation points to the need to diversify energy sources as soon as possible, i.e. to secure energy supplies from different regions and countries in order to avoid excessive dependence on Russia. There are also views in the public debate that coal extraction could be temporarily increased, which would enable some countries to cover any shortfalls in resources. Is a complete or even partial halt of Russian gas supplies to the Czech Republic and the European Union a realistic option? What impact would this have on our energy security? How much further increase in energy prices can we expect in this case? How should EU countries react and help households and industry cope with the expected increase? Could a possible temporary increase in coal extraction mean a return to fossil fuels and the end of the EU's climate ambitions? Or could the current problematic situation further accelerate the energy transition?

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INVITATION: EU± // The European Union and the multipolar world after the war in Ukraine

We invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on what position the EU will and should take in the emerging multipolar geopolitical order. The debate will take place online via Facebook on Wednesday March 23 at 17:30.

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Policy Paper: EU’s Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising: Good Intentions but Clarifications and Amendments still Needed

A Policy Paper on transparency and targeting of political advertising in the EU was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of Think Visegrad. The author of the paper, Karolína Klingová, focuses on the development of information technologies, including social media platforms with the possibility of micro-targeted campaigns, which have rapidly changed the concept of political communication and electoral campaigning.

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Policy Paper: EU’s Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising: Good Intentions but Clarifications and Amendments still Needed

V rámci studijního pobytu v bruselské kanceláři platformy Think Visegrad vznikl Policy Paper zabývající se transparentností a cílením politické reklamy v EU. Autorka článku, Karolína Klingová, se v textu zaměřuje na rozvoj informačních technologií, včetně platforem sociálních médií s možností mikrocílených kampaní, které rychle změnily pojetí politické komunikace a volební kampaně.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Facts and myths about the Green Deal - are its goals an opportunity or a threat?

We would like to invite you to the next debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Café Evropa: Facts and myths about the Green Deal - are its goals an opportunity or a threat?". The debate will take place on 15 February at 17:30. Do Czech citizens have sufficient awareness of the Green Deal and the "Fit for 55" package and how should public institutions and the media communicate these topics to the public in an understandable way? Are climate change mitigation issues at all important to the Czech public? What misinformation is circulating about the EU and climate change on Czech misinformation websites and social networks? Where is the misinformation coming from in the Czech online environment? How to identify and combat them?

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INVITATION: EU± // Year 2021 in the European Union

We invite you to the last debate in the EU± series, this time on what 2021 will bring for the European Union. The debate will take place online on Monday 20 December 2021 at 18:00.

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SWP: Between change and continuity: European expectations towards Czech and German EU policies after the 2021 elections

For the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Žiga Faktor, Director of our Brussels office, and Zuzana Stuchlíková, Research Associate at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, co-authored an article on the European expectations of the Czech and German governments' European policy.

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INVITATION: EU± 20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?

We invite you to the debate "20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?", which will take place online on Thursday 4 November 2021 at 18:00.

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INVITATION: EU± // Is the V4 the most important Czech ally in the EU?

We invite you to the EU± debate, this time on whether the V4 is the most important ally of the Czech Republic. The debate is organised with the support of the Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at FSV UK and co-funded by the European Union's Europe for Citizens programme.

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INVITATION: The Czech Republic's position in the EU after the elections - what direction will it take?

A new government will lead the Czech Republic after the recent elections. It will have to face domestic challenges such as high inflation and rapidly growing national debt, the transition to a low-carbon economy and the issue of affordable housing. At the same time, however, the Czech government will also face many important issues with European implications. The future direction of the Czech Republic within the EU will be another topic of Café Evropa debates.

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