Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the Czechs' relationship with the European Union? This topic is addressed in a policy paper by visiting fellow Mare Ushkovska.

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Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

Jaké ovlivnila pandemie Covid-19 vztah Čechů k Evropské unii? Tímto tématem se zabývá ve svém policy paperu hostující odborná pracovnice Mare Ushkovska.

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Studio ČT24: Negotiations on Serbia-Kosovo disputes

Our senior researcher was a guest on Czech Television's Studio 24, where she spoke about Serbia's current negotiations with Kosovo in Belgrade.

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VOXPOT: The EU, with Sweden at the helm, is heading into uncharted waters. Green Europe and migration solutions on the horizon

At the turn of the year, Sweden took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU from the Czech Republic and will be responsible for leading the Union for the next six months. Although the Swedes have a reputation for being solid and liberal-minded partners, there are concerns about the great unknown because of the composition of their current government. For the first time in history, it is supported by the far-right Sweden Democrats. Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka wrote this article for VOXPOT.

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National Convention on the EU | Background paper: formats of regional cooperation from the perspective of the Czech Republic

Our senior researcher Jana Juzová and associate research fellow Zuzana Kasáková prepared background material for the Round Table of the National Convention on the EU on the topic of Regional Cooperation Formats from the Czech perspective. The Round Table is presented with three main questions: what position should the Visegrad Group have in Czech foreign policy? How should the Czech Republic approach other regional cooperation formats in Central Europe? How should the Czech Republic use its involvement in European territorial cooperation?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: What has the Czech Presidency brought for the future - how can the Czech Republic build on the previous six months at the head o

We would like to invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "What has the Czech Presidency brought to the future - how can the Czech Republic build on the previous six months at the head of the EU Council?" The debate will take place on Thursday 19 January at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

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Analysis: Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Enlargement as a strategic decision

Our senior researcher Jana Juzová has written an analysis in which she describes the fact that EU enlargement policy and the EU's south-eastern and eastern neighborhood represent some of the most important areas of Czech foreign and European policy in the last two decades.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

The upcoming presidential elections in the Czech Republic are also being noticed by foreign media. Our researcher Klára Votavová commented on the circumstances of the election for Foreign Policy, saying that Zeman's presidency has brought scepticism towards Europe. A victory of Andrej Babiš, she said, would then mean a strengthening of the presidential office.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

Blížících se prezidentských voleb v České republice si všímají také zahraniční média. Okolnosti voleb okomentovala pro Foreign Policy naše výzkumná pracovnice Klára Votavová, podle které Zemanovo prezidentství přineslo skepticismus vůči Evropě. Výhra Andreje Babiše by pak podle ní znamenala posílení prezidentského úřadu.

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iDNES.cz: Europe has turned green during the Czech Presidency. Climate agenda accelerates

The solution to the energy problems related to the war in Ukraine and Russian gas supplies was clear to the EU. It will lie in energy savings and, above all, in clean energy sources. What will energy reform look like and what plans does the EU have? Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on the Green Deal and the impact of the Czech Presidency on this topic.

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