EU MONITOR: Has the time come for a Czech Regional Policy?

Během posledních 5 let došlo v České republice k nebývalému růstu HDP, který posunul zemi z 83% průměrného HDP EU v roce 2013 na 91% průměrného HDP EU v roce 2019. Současně se česká mzda v roce 2013 zvýšila o více než o 7% za poslední tři roky. Tomuto jevu se věnuje náš Vít Havelka v nejnovějším vydání EU Monitoru.

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INVITATION: EU± // Budget of the European Union

The issue of the European Union's budget for the 2021-27 period has been a major topic over the past few weeks. At what stage are the negotiations now? What are the biggest disputes? What does the Czech Republic want to put across? This will be the focus of the next EU ± debate, which will take place on Thursday, January 23.

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REPORT: The role of European funds in the development of coal regions

The topic of the November 19 debate held in Prague was the development of coal regions.

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The human cost of the EU’s externalisation of fundamental obligations

More than half of all refugees from Syria is currently located in Turkey. In her latest blog, Tuba Nilüfer Uğur zooms in on the local situation and suggests steps that should be made by the EU to help this matter.

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The human cost of the EU’s externalisation of fundamental obligations

Více než polovina všech uprchlíků ze Sýrie se momentálně nachází v Turecku. Tuba Nilüfer Uğur ve svém nejnovějším blogu přibližuje tamní situaci a navrhuje, jaké kroky by v tomto ohledu měla podniknout Evropská unie.

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INVITATION: What EU do we want in 2025?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to a discussion on "What EU do we want in 2025? The future of cohesion policy", which will take place on Wednesday, 11 December 2019, from 18:00 to 19:30 at the European House (Jungmannova 24).

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INVITATION: The role of European funds in the development of coal regions

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Center for Transport and Energy present a discussion: The role of European funds in the development of coal regions, to be held on Tuesday, 19 November at 4 pm at the European House.

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INVITATION: What kind of EU do we want in 2025? - Rule of law

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the discussion on a topic of EU's perception of the rule of law.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in June 2019

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka and Louis Cox-Brusseau react to the EUCO Meeting held in June 2019.

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Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v červnu 2019

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka a Louis Cox-Brusseau reagují na zasedání Evropské rady v červnu 2019.

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