Voxpot: Will we let Ukraine bite piece of our pie? The grain dispute is the first indication of her thorny journey to the EU

At least until next summer, Ukrainian grain will continue to flow duty-free to the European market. The agreement reached by the EU with the member countries thus lifted the ban lasting several weeks. Despite the averted crisis, however, it became fully apparent how fragile the vision of Ukraine's future accession to the Union is and what challenges await it on this path. This is how Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office, begins his commentary for Voxpot.

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Euractiv: Minerals are redrawing the geopolitical map. Europe should mainly reduce consumption

In the European Union, terms such as critical minerals, competitiveness and strategic autonomy have been bandied about more and more often recently. The Czech Republic is only just coming into this discussion, but thanks to its vast lithium reserves, it may soon find itself in the spotlight, writes researcher Kateřina Davidová in a commentary.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2023

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering eight visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2023. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2023

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering eight visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2023. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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Studio ČT24 | European Commission chief Leyen to visit Prague

Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented in Studio ČT24 on the planned meeting between European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and Czech President Petr Pavel.

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Ekonews: Mineral resources are redrawing the geopolitical map, Europe should focus on reducing consumption

In the European Union, terms such as critical mineral resources, competitiveness or strategic autonomy have been used more and more recently. This discussion is just coming to the Czech Republic, but thanks to the extensive reserves of lithium, it may soon find itself in the center of events. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the issue.

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iDnes: Heating and transport will become more expensive, EU states approve reform of emission allowances

European Union countries on Tuesday gave final approval to another part of a package of climate standards aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade. Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on this issue.

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Lidovky.cz: Heating and transport will become more expensive, EU states approve reform of emission allowances

European Union countries on Tuesday gave final approval to another part of a package of climate standards aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade. Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on this issue.

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Studio ČT24 | Emission Allowances for Transport and Heating of Buildings

Our analyst Kateřina Davidová appeared on the Studio ČT24 programme, where she explained the news regarding the trading of emission allowances. Emission allowances relate to transport and heating of buildings.

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National Convention on the EU | Background paper: reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act

Kateřina Davidová and Tereza Novotná prepared a background paper for the Round Table of the National Convention on the EU on Reactions to the US Inflation Reduction Act. Three main questions are put to the Roundtable: What impact can the IRA have on Transatlantic relations and free trade in general, and how should the EU try to actively shape these relations? How can the EU ensure the competitiveness and strengthen the productivity of its industry in the future and promote the development of EU produced green technologies? How will the changes affect the Czech Republic directly and how should the Czech Republic proceed within the EU to avoid being left behind in the "green race"? Which specific climate-neutral (net-zero) industrial sectors should the Czech Republic focus on?

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