RTVS | The European Union enlargement

European Commision has recommened the start of accession talks with more candidate countries and the topic of EU's enlargement is once more high on the priority list. In what time horizon will these countries be able to become full members? And will it be even possible to bring new states to the table before full-scale reforms that could change the EU we know today? The director of our Brussels office Žiga Faktor has commented on the issue in an interview with RTVS.

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ČT24 | The future of EU's enlargement

European Commission has recommended in its assessment report for the accession talks with Ukraine, Moldavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to begin. The prime ministers of the bloc's countries will have the final say on the matter at the summit in the middle of December, but uninamous agreement will be needed. Will it be possible to achieve? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk has commented on the issue and further EU's reforms in an interview with the ČT24.

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RTVS | European Commission Report: Who will it support on their way to EU?

European Commission report with 10 state's progress assesment on their way to becoming a European Union members is crucial for these countries. Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels's office, has commented on which countries will most probably be supported by this report in getting a candidate status in an interview with RTVS.

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ČT1 | Another step towards the EU enlargement

Ukraine and Moldavia are one step closer to the EU. European Commisison has recommended for the acession talks to start. Our senior research fellow Jana Juzová has commented on the issue of the EU enlargement in an interview with ČT.

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iDNES | EU reforms electricity market. How it wants to protect customers and strengthen the industry

Kateřina Davidová, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the reforms in the European electricity market and how these changes may affect EU competitiveness.

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iDNES | EU reformuje trh s elektřinou. Jak chce ochránit zákazníky i posílit průmysl

Kateřina Davidová, Seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM, se vyjádřila k reformám na evropském trhu s elektřinou, a jak tyto změny mohou dopadnout na konkurenceschopnost EU.

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TV Nova | President Duda appoints Morawiecki to form new Polish government

Three weeks after Poland's parliamentary elections, President Andrzej Duda on Monday evening entrusted the incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with the task of forming a government. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the issue.

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TV Nova | Prezident Duda pověřil sestavením nové polské vlády Morawieckého

Tři týdny po parlamentních volbách v Polsku pověřil prezident Andrzej Duda v pondělí večer sestavením vlády dosavadního premiéra Mateusze Morawieckého. Téma rozebral zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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ČT1 | Minister of Defence and leaving the UN

Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová has called on social media for the country to withdraw from the UN. The reason was a resolution concerning Israel and Palestine. Her statement did not go unnoticed by the world media and diplomats. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the Europeum Institute, commented on the topic for ČT1's 168 hodin programme.

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ČT1 | Ministryně obrany a vystoupení z OSN

Ministryně obrany Jana Černochová na sociálních sítích vyzvala k vystoupení z OSN. Důvodem byla rezoluce týkající se Izraele a Palestiny. Její výrok nezůstal bez povšimnutí světových médií ani diplomatů. Téma pro ČT1 v pořadu 168 hodin okomentoval zástupce ředitele Institutu Europeum Viktor Daněk.

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