EURACTIV: Three reasons why the Czech Republic should accelerate the transition to photovoltaics

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar energy is the cheapest source of electricity in the world, but the Czech Republic still lags far behind the European average. What are its advantages, and how to speed up its implementation in the Czech Republic as quickly as possible? These are the topics discussed by Jonathan Lyons and Kristína Kráľovská, research associates at EUROPEUM Institute, in collaboration with editor Kateřina Horáková in a new article on

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ČRo Plus: Why is the interest in European issues low in the Czech Republic?

Next year, citizens in all EU countries will vote for a new Parliament. In the Czech Republic, turnout in European elections is usually low. Our Executive Director Martin Vokálek spoke to ČRo Plus about the Czech approach to the European Parliament elections and the key electoral topics.

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ČRo Plus: Proč je v Česku zájem o evropská témata dlouhodobě nízký?

Příští rok budou občané všech členských států Evropské unie volit nový parlament. V Česku bývá účast v evropských volbách dlouhodobě nižší. Pro ČRo Plus o českém přístupu k volbám do europarlamentu i o zásadních volebních tématech promluvil náš výkonný ředitel Martin Vokálek.

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EURACTIV: European cities face heatwaves. How are they combating it and what can the Czech Republic learn?

Cities in southern and western Europe are adapting to summer heatwaves. What measures are they taking to protect their citizens? In an article for EURACTIV, EUROPEUM Institute Associate Katarína Svitková describes the situation.

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ČRo Plus: European Union increases commitment to renewable energy growth

The European Union is planning to increase its commitment to growing the share of renewables in the energy mix. Together, the Union now wants to reach 42.5 percent of renewable energy. How are individual member states approaching the challenge? EUROPEUM Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová analysed this topic for Czech Radio.

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ČRo Plus: Evropská unie zvyšuje závazky v růstu podílu obnovitelné energie

Evropská unie je na cestě ke zvýšení závazků v růstu podílu obnovitelných zdrojů v energetickém mixu. Společně chce Unie nově dosáhnout 42,5 procent obnovitelné energie. Jak k výzvě přistupují jednotlivé členské země? Pro Český rozhlas toto téma zanalyzovala seniorní výzkumná pracovnice EUROPEUM Kateřina Davidová.

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Deník N: Turning East, breaking off cooperation. How Slovakia's elections could change the direction of the country

Kristína Chlebáková, our project manager, commented in an article for Deník N on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Slovakia. The elections will take place at the end of September and may change the foreign policy orientation of Slovakia. Some political parties, including the biggest favourite, former Prime Minister Robert Fico's Smer - Social Democracy party, are campaigning on refusing aid to Ukraine, being friendly to Russia and attacking the EU and the US.

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ČT24: How did the European commission under Ursula von der Leyen's leadership manage to overcome crises?

The outgoing President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen prepares for her State of the Union speech. Žiga Faktor, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, assessed her tenure and achievements for Czech Television.

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Café Evropa | State of the Union speech by EC President Ursula von der Leyen

We would like to invite you to watch the online State of the Union speech by EC President Ursula von der Leyen. The speech will be streamed online on our Facebook page on Wednesday 13 September at 9:00.

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Café Evropa | Projev o stavu Unie předsedkyně EK Ursuly von der Leyen

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na sledování online projevu o stavu Unie předsedkyně EK Ursuly von der Leyen. Projev bude vysílán online na naší facebookové stránce ve středu 13. 9. od 9:00.

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