Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

In the global competition for technological dominance, this policy brief sets out six principles for the next Commission on how to play the digital power game with limited resources. Despite the size of its market, the EU lacks common fiscal capacity, capital markets and labour market dynamics. Writes Silke Maes, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČRo Plus | Visit of Jens Stoltenberg and Rishi Sunak to Poland

Donald Tusk was joined in Warsaw by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The aim of this meeting, according to Tusk, is to strengthen Poland's position in security policy. Polish President Andrzej Duda has even said that Poland is willing to let NATO allies deploy nuclear weapons on their territory. Martin Vokálek, director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the visit for Czech Radio.

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ČRo Plus | Návštěva Jense Stoltenberga a Rishiho Sunaka v Polsku kvůli bezpečnosti

Do Varšavy za Donaldem Tuskem dorazili generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg a britský premiér Rishi Sunak. Cílem schůzky je podle Tuska posílit pozici Polska v bezpečnostní politice. Polský prezident Andrzej Duda dokonce řekl, že je Polsko ochotné nechat na svém území rozmístit jaderné zbraně spojenců NATO. Návštěvu pro ČRo Plus komentoval Martin Vokálek, ředitel Institutu EUROPEUM.

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BalkanInsight | Far from Czexit but Czechs are Still Sceptics

This year the Czech Republic celebrates 20 years since joining the European Union. Czechs are very sceptical about the EU, despite the fact that about 70 percent acknowledge that the Czech Republic benefits from EU membership and would vote to remain. Sceptical perceptions of the Union could be changed by the country's new pro-European leadership. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this topic for BalkanInsight.

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BalkanInsight | Češi už nechtějí vystoupit z EU, euroskepticismus ale přetrvává

Česko letos slaví 20 let od vstupu do Evropské unie. Češi jsou k Evropské unii velmi skeptičtí a to i přesto, že zhruba 70 procent dotázaných uznává, že Česko profituje z členství v EU a hlasovalo by pro setrvání v bloku. Skeptické vnímání Unie by mohlo změnit nové proevropské vedení země. Pro BalkanInsight téma komentoval Žiga Faktor, vedoucí bruselské kanceláře a zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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Novinky.cz | Migration Pact could cost the Czech Republic millions of crowns

The Czech Republic will be able to apply for an exemption from the migration pact because of Ukrainian refugees on its territory. If this exemption is not granted, the Czech Republic will either have to accept more migrants or pay a sum of up to 480 million CZK per year into an EU fund. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the migration pact for online outlet Novinky.cz.

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Novinky.cz | Migrační pakt může Česko stát miliony korun

Česká republika si bude moct požádat o výjimku z migračního paktu kvůli ukrajinským uprchlíkům na svém území. Pokud ale tato výjimka nebude uznána, bude muset Česko buď přijmout další migranty, nebo zaplatit částku do unijního fondu, která by mohla dosáhnout až 480 milionů korun ročně. Migrační pakt komentoval pro Novinky.cz Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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Czech Republic 2030: How to support green transformation and not throw money out the window?

On 20 November 2023, the Centre for Transport and Energy, in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, organised a conference entitled Czech Republic 2030: how to support green transformation and not throw money out the window? The conference was opened with an introduction by Josef Schwarz from the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic.

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Česko 2030: Jak podpořit zelenou transformaci a nevyhazovat peníze oknem?

Dne 20. listopadu 2023 pořádalo Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku ve spolupráci s Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM konferenci s názvem Česko 2030: jak podpořit zelenou transformaci a nevyhazovat peníze oknem?. Konferenci zahájil úvodním slovem Josef Schwarz ze Zastoupení Evropské komise v ČR.

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iDnes.cz | What exactly is in the migration pact

The European Union has approved a migration pact, and from 2026 individual states will either accept their share of refugees or pay to opt out of this obligation. However, since the Czech Republic has already accepted a large number of refugees since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, it should temporarily be exempt from this obligation. However, as noted by Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, this is not an exemption explicitly granted to Czechia. Exemptions are determined based on the number of people granted asylum or similar protection in a given country.

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