POLICY PAPER: Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: Overcoming the past together

Gentiola Madhi, Jana Juzová, Tomáš Strážay, Adam Balcer, Jelica Minić a Nikolett Garai sepsali policy paper o rekonciliaci na Západním Balkáně.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in December 2018

Vladimír Bartovic, Vít Havelka, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Jana Juzová, Kateřina Davidová, Martin Michelot and Zuzana Stuchlíková react to the EUCO Meeting held in December 2018.

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Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v prosinci 2018

Vladimír Bartovic, Vít Havelka, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Jana Juzová, Kateřina Davidová, Martin Michelot a Zuzana Stuchlíková reagují na zasedání Evropské rady v prosinci 2018.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

How to tackle the issue with returning foreign fighters? Our Christian Kvorning contributed to the new IFAT publication with a chapter about the Aarhus model.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

Jak se vypořádat se zahraničními bojovníky vracející se z oblastí bojů? Náš Christian Kvorning přispěl kapitolou do nové publikace maďarského institutu IFAT, kde popisuje model praktikovaný v dánském městě Aarhus.

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Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic: Obstacles to achieve it

Viktória Pokorná wrote a policy paper on the topic "Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic: Obstacles to achieve it", which will serve as a background material for the fifth debate from our project Prague Climate Talks. The event will take place on June 5th, 2018 in Brno.

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Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic: Obstacles to achieve it

Viktória Pokorná vypracovala nový policy paper, který slouží jako podkladový materiál pro pátou diskusi ze série Prague Climate Talks. Ta proběhne 5. června 2018 v Brně.

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Prague Climate Talks 2018

We are proud the continuation of our project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change: Prague Climate Talks. The project will again host a series of debates with experts, professionals from varying relevant fields and the general public.

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Our latest Eastern Monitor, authored by Marko Stojić, analyses the recently published Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkan candidates by the European Commission and explores the probability of 2025 in terms of Serbian accession.

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Další příspěvek ze série EASTERN MONITOR sepsal náš Marko Stojić, který zkoumá možnost rozšíření EU o Srbsko s ohledem na hodnotící dokument, který vydala Evropská komise.

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