E15: EU ministers will be discussing the energy crisis. Gas price caps are not expected

An emergency meeting of EU ministers will be held today to discuss the dramatic rise in energy prices. The gas price cap is unlikely to happen, but other proposals are expected to be approved. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the situation.

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E15: The new Italian government must continue with reforms. Support for Ukraine in Rome will probably recede

One of our research associate, Alexandr Lagazzi, commented on the upcoming Italian elections for E15. According to pre-election polls, it can be assumed that the right-wing coalition led by Giorgia Meloni will win the elections. However, according to experts, this result could represent a significant risk for the Italian economy, the drawing of contributions from the EU and the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

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E15: European finance ministers arrive in Prague. They will discuss Ukraine and corporate taxation

On Friday, European energy ministers, finance ministers, and EU central bank chiefs will arrive in Prague. EcoFin - the two-day meeting will focus on the economic impact of the war in Ukraine, but also on reforms of the tax system. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková commented on this topic for the internet portal E15.

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E15: EU to restrict tourist visas for Russians. They will pay extra for a holiday in Europe.

Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented for the E15 website on the issue of tourist visas and their restrictions for Russians. At a summit in Prague on Wednesday, EU foreign ministers agreed on a compromise regarding the ban on issuing tourist visas to citizens of the Russian Federation.

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E15: Germany continues to look for a way out of the energy crisis, confirms Scholz's visit to Prague

Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, has provided a commentary for the E15 portal. In the article, she discusses the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Prague and the energy crisis that threatens the EU. According to Novotná, responsibility also lies with other countries, including the Czech Republic, which also failed to develop other energy sources in time.

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E15: Ukraine has been resisting Russian aggression for six months. A severe winter will test Western solidarity.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for half a year. Despite constant fighting and pressure from Russia on Ukraine, the Russian Federation has failed to conquer Kiev. On the surface, it may appear that the war has stalled, but this is merely a deliberate tactic by Ukraine not to engage in major operations, but to wear down the Russian army. Western unity may be affected by new leadership in Italy and the UK, for example. However, the Czech Republic can play an important role, as it currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz also commented on the topic.

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E15 | The Germans are preparing for a harsh winter. But the core will only be at the mercy of a temporary

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented for the news server E15.cz on the German government's preparations for energy shortages during the coming winter. He also comments on Germany's temporary return to nuclear power.

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E15: The Kremlin wants to use gas to break up the European Union. Experts say it will not succeed

Russia's Nord Stream 1 pipeline has been operating at only 20 % capacity since Wednesday. According to Bloomberg, Russia will not restore supplies to full capacity as long as anti-Russian sanctions remain in place. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented for E15.cz that with sufficient gas supplies and appropriate savings, we will definitely get through this winter.

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E15.cz: Rescuing Uniper will cost Germany as much as two gigafactories. But experts say it is necessary

German energy giant Uniper is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and there is not much time left to save it. A key moment is due this Thursday, when it will become clear whether or not Moscow will resume suspended gas supplies to Germany. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on this situation for E15.cz.

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