INVITATION | Defending our Democratic Norms: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict

We would like to invite you to the debate called "Defending our Democratic Norms: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict". The debate will take place on November 23 at the American Center at 10:00 am. The language of the debate will be English.

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendation: Ukraine's Integration into the EU

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová has prepared a summary and recommendations based on the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 26 October 2022 on the topic "Ukraine's Integration into the EU". The Convention produced three recommendations based on the answers to the following questions: How can the EU and the Czech Republic support Ukraine in the post-war reconstruction and reforms necessary for EU integration? What tools does the EU have at its disposal for the deeper economic and political integration of Ukraine? Is the EU ready to fully integrate Ukraine and other candidate countries?

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Policy Paper: Evaluating Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict

Our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz has written a policy paper on "Evaluating Transatlantic Relations in Times of Conflict", in which she discusses issues such as transatlantic security, the new European security architecture, and NATO's renewed purpose. She concludes with further steps on how the transatlantic community can work together in times of conflict.

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INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on our Facebook on Tuesday, September 27 at 11:00.

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RTV: Tension between Serbi and Kosovo

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová commented on the current tensions between Serbia and Kosovo on RTVS Radiožurnál. The Serbian president urged NATO to take care of the Kosovo Serbs and threatened that Serbia would take matters into its own hands if NATO did not. Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo are also gaining momentum in the context of Serbia's efforts to enforce new border rules. Compromises between Serbia and Kosovo have only resulted in an agreement to extend the registration changes until early September. And how does this conflict contribute to Russia?

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BLOG: The Militarization of Europe: Three Reasons the EU’s Defense Strategy Changed

Jakub Ferenčík wrote a blog on the topic: The Militarization of Europe: Three Reasons the EU’s Defense Strategy Changed. In his blog, he writes for example about three reasons why the EU defence strategy has changed or the militarisation of Europe and the future of deterrence.

Show more PDF Electromobility in the shadow of war - why to deal with raw materials now?

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý wrote an article for the news portal about electromobility in the shadow of war. The article details to what extent the conflict in Ukraine has affected the energy market, what issues we need to focus on in the coming months and what should be the key to achieving so-called raw material security.

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ČT24: EU leaders negotiate with Chinese leadership

EUROPEUM Institute analyst Alexandr Lagazzi spoke in the program Studia ČT24 about the summit between the European Union and China, which dealt with mutual future relations and economic ties. The conflict in Ukraine was the main topic of discussion on the EU side. It was China's hesitant stance and reaction to economic sanctions against Russia that was addressed, as well as China's rejection of NATO.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and The Centre for European Perspective – CEP invite you to a hybrid event: DIGITAL WORLD – A BOON OR A FRONTLINE? The event will take place on Tuesday, 5 April at 10:30 in Prague Creative Centre, room 219, or online on our Facebook page.

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EU Monitor: The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage?

Rose Hartwig-Peillon wrote an EU Monitor on the topic of The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage? In this report, she focuses not only on the current defense strategy of the EU and whether the present security and defense tools are effective or not, but she also addresses the question of creating a European Army and if it could help with achieving the goal of European strategic autonomy

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