POLICY PAPER | The EU-Mercosur trade agreement, will it ever reach a green end?

In her policy paper, Benedetta Milani discusses the trade agreement between the EU and the South American trade bloc Mercosur. Trade between the EU and Mercosur will have to wait some time before it is approved, because the agreement must be backed by the national parliaments of the 27 EU Member States and the 4 Mercosur partner countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay).

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

The car industry is a crucial player for the economies of each Visegrad country, but to remain competitive adaptation is necessary. Since the shift from ICE to EVs leads to a substantial need for Critical Raw Materials (CRM), the V4 countries have and must continue to position themselves along the different parts of the EV battery supply chain from mining, refining to manufacturing, reuse and recycling as well as R&D into new battery chemistries. The future is electric: role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain report addresses areas for Visegrad countries to ensure a sustainable and reliable EV battery supply chain.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

Automobilový průmysl je pro ekonomiky všech visegrádských zemí klíčovým hráčem, ale pro zachování konkurenceschopnosti je nutné se mu přizpůsobit. Vzhledem k tomu, že přechod od vozidel s vnitřním spalovacím motorem k elektrickým vozidlům vede ke značné potřebě kritických surovin (Critical Raw Materials - CRM), země V4 se musely a musejí i nadále snažit zaujmout pozici v různých částech dodavatelského řetězce baterií pro elektrická vozidla, od těžby, rafinace až po výrobu, opětovné použití a recyklaci, jakož i výzkum a vývoj nových chemických technologií baterií. Zpráva The future is electric: Role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain (Budoucnost je elektrická: role zemí Visegrádu v dodavatelském řetězci baterií pro elektromobily) se zabývá oblastmi, v nichž mohou země Visegrádu zajistit udržitelný a spolehlivý dodavatelský řetězec baterií pro elektromobily.

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Roundtable report | Monitoring of the EU’s Green Policies: Perceptions and Narratives in the Czech and Slovak Information Space

On 17th of January 2023, the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organised a closed roundtable discussion titled Monitoring of the EU’s Green Policies: Perceptions and Narratives in the Czech and Slovak Information Space. The discussion was held under the Chatham House Rule and attended by experts on the EU’s green policies and disinformation from think-tank communities and academia as well as by journalists who regularly comment on these topics. The event was moderated by Žiga Faktor, EUROPEUM’s Head of the Brussels Office. A short report from the discussion was prepared by our junior researcher and project manager Tatiana Mindeková.

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Seznam zprávy: Money or the planet? Green politics can do both

The dilemma between the green economy and living standards should not exist at all. But the notion of a " fair transition" would have to become a principle motivating policy at home and in the EU.

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iDNES: The EU will turn off your appliances. Lies about the Green Deal have taken over the internet in the Czech Republic

Our junior researcher Tatiana Mindeková conducted an analysis of the narratives around the Green Deal in the Czech and Slovak information scene. What kind of misinformation about the EU climate policy is being voiced in mainstream and alternative media? Tatiana Mindeková commented on the results of her research for iDNES.cz.

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POLICY PAPER | Soaring electricity prices and development in the EU; the electricity market design under scrutiny?

As part of the internships provided by our Brussels office to Czech researchers, Tereza Stašáková wrote a policy paper on rising electricity prices and developments in the EU. It analyses the reasons for rising prices and how EU Member States have reacted to the situation. And whether the solution is to restructure the electricity market.

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POLICY PAPER | Soaring electricity prices and development in the EU; the electricity market design under scrutiny?

V rámci stáží, které naše bruselská kancelář poskytuje českým výzkumným pracovníkům, napsala Tereza Stašáková policy paper o rostoucích cenách elektřiny a vývoji v EU. Analyzuje v něm příčiny růstu cen a reakce členských států EU na tuto situaci. A zda je řešením restrukturalizace trhu s elektřinou.

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EU MONITOR | The future shift of energy policies in the European Union

In her EU Monitor, Zsanett Gréta Papp discusses the current energy situation in the EU Member States. Where to look for a replacement for gas from Russia? And how will this decision affect the EU's green policy agenda?

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oEnergetice: Six months of the Czech Presidency have seen progress in the European energy sector

On the occasion of the conference "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?" our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on the progress of the EU's climate policy and energy transformation, as well as emission-free transport.

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