France 24: Off and running: What eventual Trump re-election would mean for Europe

Our Martin Michelot took part in the debate broadcasted by the French state television network France 24. Its topic was the possible re-election of Donald Trump and its impact on Europe in terms of politics, economy or defence.

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In multi-speed Europe, Czech Republic is not in any rush

Our Jiří Lacina explores, in his latest blog, the Czech Republic and its engagement in both the V4 and the so-called multi-speed Europe.

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In multi-speed Europe, Czech Republic is not in any rush

Náš Jiří Lacina se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje České republice, jejímu postavení v rámci V4 a potažmo její angažovanosti v tzv. vícerychlostní Evropě.

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POLICY PAPER: The European Parliament and climate change: past, present and future

Kateřina Davidová, in her latest policy paper, examines climate policy in the European Parliament. Looking ahead and drawing conclusions form past climate policies, what are the future perspectives?

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POLICY PAPER: The European Parliament and climate change: past, present and future

Kateřina Davidová ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu zkoumá postoj Evropského parlamentu vůči klimatickým změnám s ohledem na právě probělhé volby. Jaké jsou výhledy do budoucna pro klimatickou politiku Unie?

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Het Financieele Dagblad: Massive Protests against Prime Minister Babiš

Vít Havelka voiced himself about the current situtation in the Czech republic and protests against the prime minister Babiš and the ministre of justice Marie Benešová.

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Het Financieele Dagblad: Velké protesty proti premiéru Babišovi

Vít Havelka se pro nizozemské médium vyjádřil o současné situaci v České republice a protestech proti premiéru Babišovi a ministryni spravedlnosti Benešové.

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EURACTIV: Climate crisis and elections: Will Parliament keep being pioneer in bold solutions?

Our Kateřina Davidová wrote a column about the fight with the climate crisis in the context of this year's European Parliament election for

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Commentary: European Elections

Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy present you with their reactions to the European Parliament elections, which took place last week.

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POLICY PAPER: Untying the Gordian Knot of the Common European Asylum System: Dublin IV Reform

The latest policy paper by our Shang-Yen Lee and Christian Kvorning Lassen focuses on the reform of Dublin IV regulation under the Common European Asylum System and its prospects after the EP elections.

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