RTVS | The European Parliament strongly condemned Hungary

On Thursday, the European Parliament condemned the Hungarian government's deliberate, continuous and systematic efforts to undermine the fundamental values of the European Union. The resolution, which was supported by 345 MEPs, expresses deep concern at the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. What are the main reasons why the European Parliament has expressed its so far strongest reservations against Hungary? Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels office and deputy director, commented on RTVS.

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ČRo | The current Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán threatens the values, institutions and financial interests of the EU

MEPs say Hungary should not receive any EU funding until it proves that it has reliably corrected its shortcomings in the rule of law and human rights. Viktor Danek, deputy director of the Czech Radio, comments on the current developments concerning Hungary, the EU and the blocking of financial aid to Ukraine.

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ČRo | Současná maďarská vláda Viktora Orbána ohrožuje hodnoty, instituce a finanční zájmy EU

Podle europoslanců by Maďarsko nemělo dostat žádné finance z EU, dokud se neprokáže, že spolehlivě napravilo nedostatky v oblasti právního státu a lidských práv. Pro ČRo současný vývoj týkající se Maďarska, EU a blokování finanční pomoci Ukrajině komentuje Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele.

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ČRo Plus | Rule of Law and Budapest's approach to negotiations on joint funding and support for Ukraine

Listen to an interview with Vít Havelka, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, in which he comments on the European Parliament's harshest resolution yet against Hungary, specifically its legal status and Budapest's approach to negotiations on joint funding and support for Ukraine.

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ČRo Plus | Právní stát a přístup Budapešti k vyjednávání o společných financích a podpoře Ukrajiny

Poslechněte si rozhovor s Vítem Havelkou, seniorům výzkumným pracovníkem Institutu EUROPEUM, ve kterém se vyjadřuje k zatím nejostřejší rezoluci Evropského parlamentu vůči Maďarsku, konkrétně stavu jeho právního stavu a přístupu Budapešti k vyjednávání o společných financích a podpoře Ukrajiny.

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TV Nova | Is democracy in Europe at risk?

"Democracy in the West is under threat and Europe must prepare for an existence without the United States of America," the Belgian prime minister told MEPs. He was referring to the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House. Is democracy in Europe really under threat? Our executive director Martin Vokálek commented on the topic in an interview with TN Nova.

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ČRo Plus | Petition of MEPs calls for Hungary to lose its voting rights in the EU Council

120 MEPs signed a petition demanding that Hungary loses its voting rights. They argue that the EU's decision-making capacity is nearly blocked because of Hungary's approach. One of the main friction points is financial aid to Ukraine. Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels office and deputy director, commented on the issue for ČRo Plus.

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ČRo Plus | Petice europoslanců požaduje, aby Maďarsko přišlo o hlasovací práva v Radě EU

120 europoslanců podepsalo petici požadující, aby Maďarsko přišlo o svá hlasovací práva. Argumentují, že rozhodovací schopnost EU je kvůli maďarskému přístupu téměř zablokovaná. Jednou z hlavních třecích ploch je finanční pomoc Ukrajině. Téma okomentoval pro ČRo Plus ředitel naší bruselské kanceláře a zástupce ředitele Žiga Faktor.

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Radiožurnál | MEPs have run out of patience with Hungary. They are demanding that it loses its voting rights

Because of Hungary's blocking of funding for Ukraine, a number of MEPs have called for the suspension of Hungary's voting rights in the EU Council. 120 lawmakers across different factions have joined the petition. Our Brussels office director and deputy director Žiga Faktor provided his expert commentary on the issue.

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ČRo Plus | The far right is gaining strength ahead of the European Parliament elections

Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the current events in Wednesday's press for the morning broadcast of ČRo Plus. Among other topics, he discussed the rise of the far right in Europe and the US presidential election.

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