Policy Paper | Zlepšení řízení, účasti subjektů a komunikace v rámci českého plánování obnovy: Strategické lekce pro Ukrajinu

Může si Ukrajina vzít poučení od českého přístupu k plánu obnovy? Alina Boiko se ve svém textu zaměřuje na českou implementaci Plánu pro oživení a odolnost, která by mohla pomoci ukrajinským autoritám zlepšit jejich schopnost implementovat nové politické zásady.

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CNN Prima News | Orban backs down, EU to help Ukraine

To the surprise of many experts, Orbán decided not to prolong and complicate the negotiations at the EU summit, which in record time reached a unanimous decision on another aid package for Ukraine. Our senior research fellow Vít Havelka spoke about the situation on air.

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ČT24 | European leaders on aid to Ukraine

The EU Summit decides in record time on a new financial aid package for Ukraine. What are the implications of this decision and what position does it put Viktor Orbán in? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, explains the situation.

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Právo | Orbán's game turned against him

One of the shortest summits in the history of the EU ended by unanimous agreement. Why were there no protracted negotiations and what position does this put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explains in a commentary.

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ČRo Plus | EU leaders no longer let Orbán blackmail them. He has lost the battle, but he is already preparing for another one

At the summit, EU leaders agreed to release €50 billion to help Ukraine. After previous long resistance from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the agreement was surprisingly quick. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM, summarised the situation.

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RTVS | EU leaders call for ammunition supplies to Kiev

Was Hungary's refusal to provide financial aid to Ukraine the main concern of the Summit? Watch an interview with Ziva Faktore, head of our Brussels office and deputy director, who comments on this topic for Slovak RTVS.

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ČRo Plus | What convinced Viktor Orbán to veto financial aid to Ukraine?

Listen to the interview with Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of our Brussels office, about what convinced Viktor Orbán not to veto financial aid to Ukraine?

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E15 | Fico is "orbanising" Slovakia faster than expected. Presidential elections are the hope

In Slovakia, Robert Fico is preparing changes to criminal law that could seriously undermine the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. In particular, the planned abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is a cause for concern. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková assessed the situation for E15.

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Právo | European Council chief Michel makes a mockery of himself with a U-turn

Charles Michel has reversed his decision to stand in this year's European elections. The current head of the European Council faced a wave of criticism for not finishing his term, but was that the only reason for his change of heart? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explained the circumstances of Michel's EU career to Právo.

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TV Nova | How to make EU elections more attractive in the Czech Republic

Since 2004, Czechs have been able to vote in European Parliament elections. However, interest is low compared to other countries. Why is this the case and how could voter turnout be increased? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM, discussed this topic.

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