BLOG | Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails

Tatiana Mindeková, our project manager and junior researcher, wrote a blog on the topic: Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails. What narratives are spread about the green politics of the EU in the Czech chain mails?

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BLOG | Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails

Tatiana Mindeková, naše projektová manažerka a juniorní výzkumná pracovnice, napsala blog na téma: Klima, energetika a Green Deal v českých řetězových mailech. Jaké narativy se šíří o zelené politice EU v českých řetězových mailech?

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POLICY PAPER | Soaring electricity prices and development in the EU; the electricity market design under scrutiny?

As part of the internships provided by our Brussels office to Czech researchers, Tereza Stašáková wrote a policy paper on rising electricity prices and developments in the EU. It analyses the reasons for rising prices and how EU Member States have reacted to the situation. And whether the solution is to restructure the electricity market.

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POLICY PAPER | Soaring electricity prices and development in the EU; the electricity market design under scrutiny?

V rámci stáží, které naše bruselská kancelář poskytuje českým výzkumným pracovníkům, napsala Tereza Stašáková policy paper o rostoucích cenách elektřiny a vývoji v EU. Analyzuje v něm příčiny růstu cen a reakce členských států EU na tuto situaci. A zda je řešením restrukturalizace trhu s elektřinou.

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EU MONITOR | The future shift of energy policies in the European Union

In her EU Monitor, Zsanett Gréta Papp discusses the current energy situation in the EU Member States. Where to look for a replacement for gas from Russia? And how will this decision affect the EU's green policy agenda?

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EU MONITOR | The future shift of energy policies in the European Union

Zsanett Gréta Papp se ve svém EU Monitoru zabývá současnou energetickou situací v členských státech EU. Kde hledat náhradu za plyn z Ruska? A jak toto rozhodnutí ovlivní plán zelené politiky celé EU?

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Blog | Business-as-usual between Germany and China as a disruptive element for the European Union

The war in Ukraine and the subsequent economic crisis caused by Europe's dependence on Russian fossil fuels showed Europeans the danger of keeping too tight economic ties to autocratic regimes. However, while Europe is shedding its dependence on Russia, another economic reliance is gaining strenght, namely that of Germany on China. In her blog, our intern Kristina Kropáčková explores the broader context of this phenomenon and its implications for EU cohesion.

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Blog | "Business-as-usual" mezi Německem a Čínou narušuje soudržnost Evropské unie

Válka na Ukrajině a následná ekonomická krize, způsobená závislostí Evropy na ruských fosilních palivech, ukázala Evropanům, jaká nebezpečí skýtají příliš úzké ekonomické vazby na autokratických režimech. Zatímco se však Evropa zbavuje své závislosti na Rusku, jiná ekonomická závislost sílí, konkrétně ta Německa na Číně. Naše stážistka Kristina Kropáčková se ve svém blogu zabývá širšími souvislostmi tohoto fenoménu a jeho důsledky pro soudržnost EU.

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Blog | US Midterms: Consequences for the security of Eastern Europe

The recent US midterm elections made headlines around the world. The main issues that voters were interested in were the state of democracy and the rule of law, abortion, the economy and education. Our intern Tomáš Moudrý addressed these topics in his blog. "The most expensive midterms in the US history are over. Republicans gained the House majority with 221 seats and the Democrats retained the Senate with 51 seats. Is this a surprising result? Partly yes, partly no. Firstly, polls and even Republicans were sure about a “Red wave“ that would sweep across the US. Instead, there was a tossup in both Chambers of the Congress. Secondly, the President’s party usually lose the midterms. One can argue that midterms from the incumbent President’s party perspective traditionally have just one major goal – to mitigate losses by the closest possible margin. The Democrats seem to have found a way to deal with this fate, despite Biden's low approval rating."

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Blog | US Midterms: Consequences for the security of Eastern Europe

Nedávné volby v polovině volebního období v USA se dostaly na titulní strany novin po celém světě. Hlavní témata, která voliče zajímala nejvíce zajímaly stav demokracie a právního státu, potraty, ekonomika a vzdělávání. Tomuto tématu se ve svém blogu věnoval náš stážista Tomáš Moudrý.

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