Café Evropa: Bullying in cyberspace - how hard is it to defend yourself in today's world of technology?

We would like to invite you to another debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Cyberbullying - how hard is it to defend yourself in the world of today's technology?" The debate will take place on Monday 4 March at 20:45 after the screening of the LUX-nominated film The Teacher's Lounge - the screening is free, but you need to book a seat on the cinema's website.

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ČT24 | V4 summit in Prague brought questions about the groups' necessity

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk came to the Prague V4 summit asking whether the Visegrad group is still relevant. Cooperation on a high political level is complicated by the countries' different approaches towards the war in Ukraine. While the Czech Republic and Poland continue to support its interests with the same intensity, Slovakia and Hungary are reassessing them. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the importance of the summit and the relations between Poland and the Czech Republic for ČT24.

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Seznam Zprávy | "It's cynical." Why ANO party turned the tables in the migration pact debate

In light of the debates on the migration pact, which represents the next step in solving the migration issue, the Czech political scene is once again focusing on this topic. However, Prime Minister Petr Fiala and the head of the opposition ANO party Andrej Babiš criticize the agreement, despite their previous positions. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke in the 5:59 podcast about the change in their opinions, the possible reasons that led to it, as well as the content of the pact itself.

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ČT24 | Leaders of twenty countries to discuss aid to Ukraine

What can we expect from the upcoming summit in terms of aid to Ukraine? Vít Havelka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, describes possible developments of the negotiations for ČT24.

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ČRo Plus | Vít Havelka comments on STEM survey on European integration

How much people in the Czech Republic trust the European Union and what does this tell us about the mood in society? Why is economic prosperity and security so important to the Czechs? Vít Havelka comments on the STEM sociological survey for Czech Radio Plus.

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ČRo Plus | Czech Republic would embarrass itself by withdrawing from the Green Deal

The Green Deal, a strategy towards greener technologies and climate protection, has recently been a major topic of discussion on the European scene. The Green Deal is also fiercely debated in the Czech Republic, with many farmers calling for its withdrawal in the streets in recent days. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the farmers' protests and their demands for Czech Radio Plus.

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ČTK | Czech president is perceived very positively in the European Union, says analyst

In a short time, President Petr Pavel has become a respected politician at the international level and is perceived very positively in the European Union. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute, said this in an interview with ČTK. He said Pavel has a clear pro-Western and pro-European outlook.

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ČRo | New sanctions package includes entities outside of Russia

The new thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia was approved today by representatives of the EU. The sanction list has been expanded by another 200 individuals, companies, and institutions. These include entities outside of Russia that are involved in bypassing measures preventing the purchase of military technologies by Moscow. An expert commentary for the Radiožurnál program was provided by EUROPEUM's deputy director Viktor Daněk.

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Euractiv | Special EU fund for coal regions looks good but is costly

Establishing a new European fund to support coal regions may be perceived as a positive political step towards affected areas. However, the management of this fund poses challenges, not only in terms of finances but also in terms of personnel and time constraints, which could jeopardize its effective utilization. This conclusion arises from consultations with representatives of public administration and relevant regions and from their analysis conducted by Klára Votavová, member of research team at EUROPEUM.

Show more | EU naval fleet in the Red Sea and the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen

The EU naval mission will be tasked with protecting civilian ships in the Red Sea that are under attack by Yemeni rebels in the area. This is a very important trade route for the whole world which must be protected. The Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, discussed this on as well as the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the Presidency of European Comission.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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