Three myths about refugees, immigrants and the European refugee crisis

The refugee crisis has highlighted hitherto latent divisions within the EU, particularly amongst the V4 countries and Western Europe. The division is, at first glance, rooted in fundamentally differing perceptions of the crisis, giving rise to several myths whose veracity merits questioning. This blog will seek to challenge three of the most popular misconceptions about the refugee crisis.

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Czech Republic: A desire to accommodate British demands, but without treaty changes

How do various members of the EU view UK´s ‪‎renegotiation‬? Director of Europeum Vladimír Bartovic explains the Czech point of view on the LSE blog.

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More divisions and fewer decisions: just another day in Brussels?

Will the V4 countries find a common ground with the "Old Europe" regarding the refugee crisis? Read Martin Michelot's take on Central Europe's transformed image in Brussels.

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Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

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