E15: EU ministers will be discussing the energy crisis. Gas price caps are not expected

An emergency meeting of EU ministers will be held today to discuss the dramatic rise in energy prices. The gas price cap is unlikely to happen, but other proposals are expected to be approved. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the situation.

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iRozhlas: EU energy milestones: covid, green alternative, Russian attack and the search for consensus

iROZHLAS has prepared an overview of the energy measures discussed by the European Union in the context of the energy crisis. The review shows that the EU's securing of the energy market is not in line with the actions taken by national states. This inconsistency was also commented on by our researcher Michal Hrubý, who pointed to the need to proceed to a comprehensive solution at the level of the European Commission.

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iRozhlas: 'Fresh' first month of the presidency. The Union is relieved that the Czechs have negotiated even a problematic point like gas

In their article on the current European energy policy, iRozhlas.cz refers to the study Gas in Numbers - European solidarity with gas: where does the Czech Republic stand?, which was prepared for EUROPEUM by our researcher Michal Hrubý. Michal Hrubý also commented in more detail for iRozhlas on the necessity of building energy independence from Russia, reducing annual consumption and Czech interests.

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E15: The Kremlin wants to use gas to break up the European Union. Experts say it will not succeed

Russia's Nord Stream 1 pipeline has been operating at only 20 % capacity since Wednesday. According to Bloomberg, Russia will not restore supplies to full capacity as long as anti-Russian sanctions remain in place. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented for E15.cz that with sufficient gas supplies and appropriate savings, we will definitely get through this winter.

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Novinky.cz: Analysis: How to survive the winter without Russian gas

How do we manage energy in the Czech Republic? What will be the energy situation in the future and how can we save? Our Research Fellow Michal Hrubý commented on this for the news server Novinky.cz.

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iDnes: Even nuclear energy and gas? Europe faces a key clash over what counts as green

Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented for iDnes.cz on the EU taxonomy proposal that was rejected last week by two key committees of the European Parliament. They are concerned that nuclear energy and natural gas should be among the sustainable resources.

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E15.cz: The Germans and the Dutch are looking for a replacement for Russian gas wherever possible. They also want to mine in the North Sea area

The newly announced possibility of gas extraction in the North Sea will not solve the current situation. "In the medium and long term, it is only one of many solutions to diversify resources. But the question is whether it will have a significant impact on the European gas market and European independence." However, raw material extraction projects in the EU must be supported.

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E15.cz: The West may sacrifice Nord Stream 2. The pipeline faces further US sanctions

Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz commented for the news portal E15 on the situation regarding the planned sanctions against Russia in the case of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

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Energie bez emisí: How will an emission-free economy transform Czech industry and transport?

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová appeared on Energie bez emisí programme, where she talked about how we can best help Czech industry with the transformation, despite the fact that domestic companies are rather sceptical about the transition to an emission-free economy.

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iUhli.cz: European Investment Bank Will Stop Finance Fossil Fuel Projects, Natural Gas Included

iUhli.cz published an article by Přemysl Souček which cited statements from our debate "Prague Climate Talks: Financing the transition to a low carbon economy". Andrea Ferjenčiková, Julian Toth, and Helena Zavázalová attended the debate.

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