iRozhlas: EU energy milestones: covid, green alternative, Russian attack and the search for consensus

iROZHLAS has prepared an overview of the energy measures discussed by the European Union in the context of the energy crisis. The review shows that the EU's securing of the energy market is not in line with the actions taken by national states. This inconsistency was also commented on by our researcher Michal Hrubý, who pointed to the need to proceed to a comprehensive solution at the level of the European Commission.

"The pan-European energy market solution currently being explored needs to be developed at the level of the European Commission, which has an army of officials and scientists without whom such a complex solution could never be achieved. It will then be voted on by the states at an extraordinary Energy Council on 30 September," adds to the topic Michal Hrubý.

You can find the whole article (in Czech) here

#energy crisis #European Union

Michal Hrubý
Research Fellow

Expertise: EU green economics, heavy industry, transport

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