
RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.

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Invitation | The European Union, the geopolitics of enlargement and the European Political Community

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "The European Union, the Geopolitics of Enlargement and the European Political Community ", which will take place on Monday 12 June at the French Institute in Prague at 17:30.

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The project is focused on the examination of the role of non-governmental organizations in the process of decarbonization of coal regions in V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). The aim of the project is to describe the best and worst practices of the individual processes for Serbia, who awaits the transformation of its energy mix, largely based on coal. The examined V4 countries have had a slightly different share of coal in their energy mix, while the largest one being in Poland and the second largest one in the Czech Republic, followed by Hungary and Slovakia. There are many similarities and differences in their takes on decarbonisation, thus providing different range of experiences.

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EURACTIV: Companies are interested in decarbonisation but they lack government support and a clear strategy

According to experts, while decarbonisation is costly, without it the costs would be even higher. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová also commented on the topic at EURACTIV's Decarbonisation of the Czech and Slovak Economy 2022 conference.

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Empowering Serbian CSOs involved in the decarbonization process through the V4 experience

Read the background paper for the Belgrade conference, which focuses on the phasing out of coal mining in the V4 countries, to representatives of Serbian civil society. Our project manager and junior researcher Tatiana Mindekova worked on the paper on behalf of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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CEENERGYNEWS | E-mobility, an opportunity for CEE: regional associations sign joint declaration

An article summarising the conference was published in the framework of the conference E-mobility: the Opportunity for Central Eastern Europe. An important milestone of the conference was the signing of a declaration by the leaders of the Czech Platform for Electromobility, the Polish Alternative Fuels Association and the Slovak Electric Vehicle Association.

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BLOG | How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU's green deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts

Tatiana Mindeková, our project manager and junior researcher, wrote a blog named “How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU Green Deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts”. In this blog, Tatiana analysed approaches of Czech and Slovak parliamentary parties to the European Green Deal and identified whether the parties and their representatives are supportive or critical towards it.

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BLOG | How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU's green deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts

Tatiana Mindeková, naše projektová manažerka a juniorní výzkumná pracovnice, napsala blog na téma: Jak vnímají české a slovenské vládní strany zelenou dohodu EU? Online monitoring facebookových příspěvků. V tomto blogu Tatiana zanalyzovala přístupy českých a slovenských vlád k Zelené dohodě a identifikovala, zda jsou vládní postoje k dohodě kritické, anebo jí podporují.

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TA3: How will Italy look after the elections?

The right-wing party is leading in the pre-election polls. Italy may have a government unlike any it has seen since Mussolini. Our research associate Alexandr Lagazzi spoke to Slovak TV station TA3 about the campaign and what is in store for Italy after Sunday's elections.

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European Green Deal: Mapping Perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe

EUROPEUM is one of the partners of the project led by The International Republican Institute (IRI) under the Beacon project, which aims to monitor how the European Green Deal is perceived in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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