TV Nova | European Union faces drug and doctor shortages

Elections to the European Parliament will take place in less than a month. In addition to security issues, experts warn of the threat of health challenges in the coming years. The European Union will have to deal with a shortage of medicines, an aging population and an increasingly aging medical profession. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on these issues for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

Show more | Candidates' debate for the post of European Commission chief

With less than two weeks to go until the European Parliament elections, voters can choose their representatives with the help of a Europe-wide debate of candidates for the post of the future President or President of the European Commission. Five candidates, including the current head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who is seeking her second mandate this year, met in the debate on Thursday. Topics discussed included defence and security, the environment and the importance of democracy. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to about the importance of the debate for Czech voters and the outcomes of the individual candidates.

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The Hill | The threat of Russian nationalism looms over Europe

The threat of Russian nationalism poses a serious danger to Europe, as emphasized by the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in his speech in April. Russia is attempting to reassert its influence, particularly through its war against Ukraine, which undermines European security. What impact does the reemergence of Russian nationalism, supported by China, have on European security, and how should the West respond to this geopolitical reality? In his commentary for the American news website The Hill, Hugo Blewett-Mundy, an external collaborator and research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, addresses this topic.

Show more | The elections to the European Parliament are approaching. The main topic is security

The European Parliament elections will take place in just one month's time. The main issue is the security of the European Union, according to experts. The new composition of the European Parliament will address the war conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as migration. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Jeseník?

We invite you to the next Café Evropa debate! Green Deal, migration, security, EU elections, EU subsidies... Are you interested in what's in it for Jeseník? Our guests will answer these and other questions. Come and discuss!

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CNN Prima News | The European Army and the position of the Defense Commissioner

The next European Commission should have a new Commissioner for Defense. There is speculation that this position could go to the Czech Republic. However, some European politicians, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, are calling directly for the creation of European army. But what are the pitfalls of the project? Vít Havelka, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the usefulness and possibilities for CNN Prima News.

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Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

In the global competition for technological dominance, this policy brief sets out six principles for the next Commission on how to play the digital power game with limited resources. Despite the size of its market, the EU lacks common fiscal capacity, capital markets and labour market dynamics. Writes Silke Maes, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČRo Plus | Visit of Jens Stoltenberg and Rishi Sunak to Poland

Donald Tusk was joined in Warsaw by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The aim of this meeting, according to Tusk, is to strengthen Poland's position in security policy. Polish President Andrzej Duda has even said that Poland is willing to let NATO allies deploy nuclear weapons on their territory. Martin Vokálek, director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the visit for Czech Radio.

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RTVS | Extraordinary Summit in Brussels

The extraordinary summit in Brussels is focusing on competitiveness and the EU's strategic agenda, including the strengthening of the single market, Turkey-EU relations, Ukraine and Israel. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for Slovak RTVS.

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20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West: Is the EU Ready for Another “Big Bang” Enlargement?

We would like to invite you to a debate on a topic "20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West: Is the EU Ready for Another “Big Bang” Enlargement?" The debate will take place on Thursday, April 4, from 16:00 to 17:15 h at Prague University of Economics and Business.

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