| Visegrad Group could unite over migration issue

The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary met in Prague to discuss the war in Ukraine and the future direction of the Visegrad Group. According to Viktor Daňek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, migration will be another possible common topic and Donald Tusk will become one of the most important politicians in Europe in the next years.

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ČRo | New sanctions package includes entities outside of Russia

The new thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia was approved today by representatives of the EU. The sanction list has been expanded by another 200 individuals, companies, and institutions. These include entities outside of Russia that are involved in bypassing measures preventing the purchase of military technologies by Moscow. An expert commentary for the Radiožurnál program was provided by EUROPEUM's deputy director Viktor Daněk.

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TV Nova | How to make EU elections more attractive in the Czech Republic

Since 2004, Czechs have been able to vote in European Parliament elections. However, interest is low compared to other countries. Why is this the case and how could voter turnout be increased? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM, discussed this topic.

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TN Nova | MEPs agree that Orbán's government is against the fundamental values of the EU

According to the resolution adopted by MEPs, Hungary should not receive any more EU money until it proves that it has corrected its shortcomings regarding the rule of law and human rights. They also agreed that Viktor Orbán's government is a threat to the values of the European Union. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, discussed the issue.

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TV Nova | Is democracy in Europe at risk?

"Democracy in the West is under threat and Europe must prepare for an existence without the United States of America," the Belgian prime minister told MEPs. He was referring to the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House. Is democracy in Europe really under threat? Our executive director Martin Vokálek commented on the topic in an interview with TN Nova.

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Lidové noviny | The shortcut does not lead to the Union. And Orbán's attitude? He has taken Ukraine and other EU countries hostage, says expert

Viktor Daněk, our Deputy Director, gave an interview to Lidové noviny about support for Ukraine and the opening of accession negotiations and Hungary's position in the expected negotiations at the European Council summit.

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TV Nova | The most important EU summit of this year starts in Brussels

Long-term financial aid to Ukraine and the start of accession talks on its membership in the Union will be the main topics of the EU summit in Brussels. The situation in the Middle East is also to be addressed. Our deputy director and head of the Brussels office Žiga Faktor commented on the issue for the TN Nova.

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TV Nova | Morawiecki's government in Poland will probably end. Donald Tusk should become the new prime minister

The post-election negotiations in Poland are continuing, and their development reflects the preferences and the course of action that most people expected. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, commented on the situation on TV Nova.

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iROZHLAS | Relationship with Russia is important, but communication remains extremely challenging, says US undersecretary

"The partnership between the United States and the Czech Republic has never been as strong as it is now," told Sonata Coulter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Euro-Atlantic Affairs at the U.S. Department of State Antony Blinken, who attended the Transatlantic Policy Forum at the invitation of EUROPEUM Institute.

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TV Nova | President Duda appoints Morawiecki to form new Polish government

Three weeks after Poland's parliamentary elections, President Andrzej Duda on Monday evening entrusted the incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with the task of forming a government. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the issue.

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