Proposal to charge for emissions in transport and heating provokes contradictory reactions

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová commented for on the new "Fit for 55" package of proposals on climate and energy challenges. In the article, the researcher explains what plans the EU has to reduce emissions or how the market for emission allowances will change.

Show more Question of Balkan borders

Our research fellow Jana Juzová commented on the current situation in the Balkans for In her article, our researcher explains the tense situation which escalated after two non-papers were published, concerning the possible redistribution of territories and border changes in the Western Balkans.

Show more The new EU emission target will get particular outlines. For the Czechia, this is an opportunity to modernize energy and industry

Kateřina Davidová wrote a commentary reflecting the new emission targets in the context of the Czech Republic.

Show more Conference on the future of Europe as a game of citizen involvement

In an article for, Vít Havelka summarizes how current political and social problems affecting the popularity of the European Union have been reflected in the content of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Show more What is the Danish recipe for vaccination success? Trust and good planning

In an article for, Vít Havelka writes about why Denmark is better at vaccinating the population than the Czech Republic.

Show more Czech (non) planning of the national recovery plan

In an article for, Vít Havelka writes about the Czech national recovery plan.

Show more Kosovans gave their country one last chance. The electoral earthquake swept away the war elites and brought hope for a better future

In her article for, our research fellow Jana Juzová analyses the victory of the Vetëvendosje party! (Self-determination!) in Kosovo's parliamentary elections which took place mid-February.

Show more Turkey is warming relations with the EU. What's behind Erdogan's turn?

In his commentary for, the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, deals with the tense relations between the EU and Turkey. The commentary focuses on a surprising statement by Turkish President Erdoğan that Turkey has a strong interest in improving relations with the EU.

Show more The Czechia resigns on influence in the EU. It stands without interest at the end of the line, waiting for what others prepared

Last year showed that the Czech Republic is able to effectively promote its interests at the European level, provided that it clearly defines its goals. However, it continues to resign itself to influencing major pan-European debates and focus only on partial national goals. At the same time, it has achieved different results depending on the type of European policy involved. Article is written for by our researcher Vít Havelka.

Show more The adoption of sanctions against Turkey is a warning signal. What awaits the EU's key relations with Ankara?

In his commentary for, the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, deals with the attitude of EU member states towards Turkey and its exploratory activities in the Mediterranean. He emphasizes Turkey's position as an important strategic partner of the EU and the efforts of European leaders to maintain positive relations.

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