Climate neutrality? It will not be reached without nuclear energy, says a study initiated by Members of the European Parliament

Our research fellow Kateřina Davidová commented for the server on a study initiated by four MEPs concerning the climate neutrality, which focuses on the case of the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Davidová emphasized that the goal of climate neutrality applies to the European Union as such, not to its individual member states.

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IDM Podcast: Global Warming Does Not Have Borders

Our research fellow Kateřina Davidová was a guest of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe podcast which was focused on the topic of climate change, its implications for Central Europe and EU member states' environmental policies.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Renewable energy in the V4

On Monday November 6th, 2017 we organized another discussion of Prague Climate Talks which was focused on the topic of renewable energy in the Visegrad Group.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Renewable energy in the V4

We are proud to present the third event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Renewable energy in the V4, which will take place on November 6th, 2017, at the European house.

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