Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

Svět se nachází v horké fázi globální soutěže o nadvládu v nových technologiích. Pokud chce EU zůstat do budoucna konkurenceschopná, musí být více aktivní. Jak na to rozebírá náš nejnovější policy paper z pera výzkumné pracovnice Silke Maes. Navrhuje v něm šest konkrétních kroků pro novou Evropskou komisi vzešlou z voleb do EP v roce 2024.

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TN.cz | Report on the EU internal market has a huge importance for Czechia

During the recent summit, politicians came to discuss key issues regarding the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, relations with Turkey, and the competitiveness of the European Union against the United States and China. Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, provided commentary for TN.cz. According to him, it is crucial for Czech politicians and diplomats to be actively engaged in these discussions.

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS- internships at Prague European Summit 2024

Are you interested in the European Union and the future of the European continent? Do you want to work in an international team and gain experience in organising events at the highest political level? Apply by 10 May and get a unique experience organising the Prague European Summit conference.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies

We would like to invite you to the debate called “Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies ” in the EU-Pacific Talks series. The debate will take place on Wednesday, April 24 at 13:00 via an online stream on FB.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na debatu s názvem "Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies " v rámci cyklu EU-Pacific Talks. Debata se uskuteční ve středu 24. dubna ve 13:00 formou online streamu na FB

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MF DNES | Pellegrini's first foreign trip will take him to the Czech Republic

The newly elected Slovak President Peter Pellegrini will follow a long-standing tradition and his first foreign trip will be to the Czech Republic. This is despite the cooling of diplomatic relations between the countries. According to Kristína Chlebáková, project manager of EUROPEUM Institute, the relations are still highly superior and the new Slovak president will not want to disturb them. She commented on the future of Czech-Slovak diplomatic relations for the daily MF DNES.

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TN.cz | Blinken v Bruselu jednal s unijními ministry zahraničí o válce na Ukrajině

Americký ministr zahraničí Anthony Blinken se zúčastnil jednání ministrů zahraničí členských zemí Evropské unie v Bruselu. Motivací pro toto neobvyklé setkání může být váznoucí finanční pomoc Spojených států pro Ukrajinu nebo nadcházející volby na obou kontinentech. Současní lídři mají omezený čas na pokračování v dosavadních projektech a pravděpodobně se pokusí uzavřít dohody ještě před nástupem nově zvolených politických představitelů. O této problematice mluvil v reportáži Televizních novin TV Nova výkonný ředitel Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM Martin Vokálek.

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Visegrad/Insight | Tractors Trending: V4 Populists Appropriate the Farmers’ Protests Ahead of the EP Elections

The populist camps in the Visegrad Four countries have used the farmers' protests in their populist campaigns for the European Parliament elections in June. A fundamental change to the last EU elections in 2019 is visible in the politicians' messages towards the people, with social media taking over the classic platforms such as television, press or radio. Project Manager of Global Europe programme at EUROPEUM Institute, Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, wrote an article on this topic for Visegrad/Insight.

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Euractiv | Special EU fund for coal regions looks good but is costly

Establishing a new European fund to support coal regions may be perceived as a positive political step towards affected areas. However, the management of this fund poses challenges, not only in terms of finances but also in terms of personnel and time constraints, which could jeopardize its effective utilization. This conclusion arises from consultations with representatives of public administration and relevant regions and from their analysis conducted by Klára Votavová, member of research team at EUROPEUM.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Unveiling Global South Dynamics: EU and Indo-Pacific Perspectives

We would like to invite you to another debate of the EU-Pacific Talks series, this time on the topic "Unveiling Global South Dynamics: EU and Indo-Pacific Perspectives". The debate will take place on Friday, 9 February at 11:00 a.m. via an online stream on FB.

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