Report: Brand EU: What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries #2

The report from the presentation “Brand EU: What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries” which was organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European policy and took place on 10th October 2019 at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union.

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Report: Brand EU - What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries #1

The report from the working breakfast “Brand EU: What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries” which was organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European policy and took place on 10th October 2019 in Hotel Leopold in Brussels is now available.

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Report: Značka EU - Co si Češi myslí o EU a jak se liší od ostatních zemí V4 #1

Report z pracovní snídaně "Značka EU: Co si o EU myslí Češi a jak se liší od ostatních zemí V4“, kterou zorganizoval Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM a který se konal 10. října 2019 v hotelu Leopold v Bruselu, je nyní k dispozici.

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INVITATION: EU± // The Czech Republic as a brand?

We would like to cordially invite you to the public debate titled "EU± // Brexit" which will take place on November 12, 2018 at 19.00 in the Scout Institute in Prague.

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POZVÁNKA: EU± // ČR jako značka

Přijměte naše srdečné pozvání na diskusi EU± // ČR jako značka, která se uskuteční v úterý 12. 11. 2018 od 19.00 ve Skautském institutu.

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POZVÁNKA: Proč mají Slováci rádi euro a Češi ne? [Liberec]

Přijměte naše srdečné pozvání na debatu o společné měně, která se uskuteční 6. 11. od 10:30 do 12:00 v Liberci.

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REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

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Debunking the right-wing myths about Sweden

Christian Kvorning Lassen debunks, in his latest blog, right-wing myths about Sweden's criminality as a reaction to Donald Trump's recent statements and in light of some right-wing politicians' claims.

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Debunking the right-wing myths about Sweden

Christian Kvorning Lassen odhaluje ve svém blogu mýty o Švédské kriminalitě, v reakci na nedávné výroky Donalda Trumpa a ve světle tvrzení některých pravicových politiků.

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Politico Playbook: Tereza Novotná's article featured

Our Tereza Novotná's article titled Will Donald Trump shoot down TTIP or rebrand it as the ‘Trump Trade and Investment Partnership’? was featured within the Politico Brussels Playbook on January 27.

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