Report: Brand EU: What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries #2

The report from the presentation “Brand EU: What do Czechs think of the EU and how it differs from other V4 countries” which was organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European policy and took place on 10th October 2019 at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union.

The presentation was opened by H.E. Jaroslav
Zajíček (Permanent Representative to COREPER I and Deputy Head of the Czech
Permanent Representation to the European Union) and further the presentation was
led by Nikola Hořejš (Analyst, STEM) together with Martin Buchtík (Director, STEM) and
Vít Havelka (Researcher, EUROPEUM). The event attracted 85 participants from
various backgrounds.

The presentation was opened by H.E. Jaroslav Zajíček (Permanent Representative to COREPER I and Deputy Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the European Union) and further the presentation was led by Nikola Hořejš (Analyst, STEM) together with Martin Buchtík (Director, STEM) and Vít Havelka (Researcher, EUROPEUM). The event attracted 85 participants from various backgrounds. 

The report (in English) can be downloaded through this PDF button.

#V4 #EU #Brand EU

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