EU Better Regulation Agenda: Contested Policy in Central European Perspective

Zuzana Picková's policy paper examines the current state of play of the European Commission’s Better Regulation Agenda (BRA) and highlights its key elements, adding the perspective on the BRA of the Visegrád Group countries (V4) and suggesting several policy recommendations.

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Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?

Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the ‪European‬ ‪Neighbourhood‬ ‪Policy‬ on in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

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Analysis: Social cohesion in Europe after the crisis

Radomír Špok, EUROPEUM's director, co-authored an analysis focusing on the cohesion policy in Europe.

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Analýza: Social cohesion in Europe after the crisis

Radomír Špok, výkonný ředitel EUROPEA, je spoluautorem analýzy, která se zabývá kohezní politikou v Evropě.

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Road to the EU of the Visegrad countries: lessons for Ukraine

EUROPEUM’s research fellow Věra Říhová is managing a project designed to introduce the topic of public opinion towards European integration in Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine.

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Cesta Visegrádských zemí do EU: lekce pro Ukrajinu

Výzkumná pracovnice EUROPEA Věra Říhová je vedoucí projektu, jež pomocí veřejných debat bojuje proti předsudkům v oblasti evropské integraci ve východních a jižních regionech Ukrajiny.

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EU has a role to play in the Syria Peace Talks II.

Matthieu Crévecoeur continues to analyse the current situation in the Middle East with connection to the suspended peace talks in Genève. He underlines the importance of solidarity and courage which should be demonstrated by the EU in order to make the peace talks successful.

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Rádio Slovensko: Commentary on Cameron's talks with the V4 countries over the demands of changes in social benefits

The Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic commented yesterday at Rádio Slovensko - Rádiožurnál o 12:00 the talks of David Cameron and the V4 countries, especially regarding the demands of changes in social benefits.

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Another challenge for Europe: Fighting irregular warfare & exploitation of the NSAs

Europe, specifically the European Union, is now facing more pressing challenges than ever. Read a blog by Matthieu Crévecoeur in which he emphasizes the importance of staying united on both domestic and European level.

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European Summer School 2015 – “Challenges for Europe” Report

You can now read summary of the thirteenth European Summer School which took place last July.

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