Job offer - traineeship at our Brussels Office

EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office is seeking a traineeship position.

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REPORT: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Czech Republic we organized a lecture on Serbia's road to EU membership held by Tanja Miščević – Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Serbia to the EU. The report is now available.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

On June 21st, 2017, we organized the first event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, from which a report is now available.

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Multispeed Europe vs. Enhanced Cooperation: The Czech perspective

The pictures from the expert roundtable discussion titled "Multispeed Europe vs. Enhanced Cooperation: The Czech Perspective" that we organized in Brussels are now available.

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EuropaSecura 2017

Last week, the tenth year of our project EuropaSecura was marked by a nationwide final round of the competition, taking place in a military base in Brdy. The competing students got to experience what the representatives of the European Union are facing during a crisis situation, as well as learned how diplomatic negotiations take place within the EU and NATO.

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Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen has analyzed in his latest policy paper how the Common European Asylum System works and to what extent the treatment of asylum seekers and the rate of recognition of applications vary in practice between EU members.

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ČRo Plus: Third Annual Prague European Summit

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on some of the topics that were at the heart of the third annual Prague European Summit.

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ČT24: Election results in Britain

In an interview for ČT24, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent parliamentary elections in Britain.

Show more The election results will most likely bring soft Brexit and an agreement with the EU

In an interview for, our Tereza Novotná commented on the impact of the recent parliamentary elections in the UK on Brexit negotiations.

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Can EU Leadership on Climate Change Unite the Fragmented Union?

Christian Kvorning Lassen's newest policy paper on combatting the climate change will serve as the background material for the very first debate from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: 'Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics,' taking place on June 21st, 2017, at the European house.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552