Café Evropa: Sharing economy – how should services look like in the 21st century?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. Our distinguished guests Tomáš Peťovský and Tomáš Prouza will discuss the following topic: "Sharing economy – how should services look like in the 21st century?"

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EURACTIV: The Czech stance towards the revision of EU's climate policy undermines global efforts as well as its own national interests

The Czech Republic undermines its own position when negotiating about the emissions reduction, wrote Kateřina Davidová for

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V4 Defence Planning And Its Lessons For Ukraine And Moldova

Martin Michelot contributed with his chapter to the publication 'Strengthening the Eastern Frontier' issued by Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democary (CEID).

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Party Responses to the EU in the Western Balkans: Transformation, Opposition or Defiance?

Marko Stojic's new book provides a comprehensive analysis of how political parties in Serbia and Croatia have determined and shifted their positions on the European Union.

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ČT24: Protests in Catalonia

In an interview for ČT24, our Research Fellow Michal Vít commented on the current crisis in Spain triggered by the Catalan independence referendum.

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ČRo Plus: Separatism in Europe

Tereza Novotná commented the separatist tendencies in Belgium for a special programme by ČRo Plus tackling the issue of separatist movements in Europe.

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INVITATION: Factors that influence Czech voters

We would like to cordially invite you on the debate tackling the issue of factors that influence voters in Czech Parliamentary Elections, shortly before the Czech Parliamentary Elections. The debate will take place on October 16th, 2017 at the European house (Jungmannova, Prague 1).

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INVITATION: The impact of the German elections on Domestic, Neighbourhood and European policy

We would like to kindly invite you to the roudtable debate on the impact of the German elections on domestic, neighbourhood and European policy. Our speakers Jana Šafaříková, Michal Vít a David Kocourek will discuss the topic on October 19, 2017, at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (Rytířská 31, Praha 1).

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CRo Plus: French president calls for 'two-speed' Europe

Listen to the interview with Vladimír Bartovic about Emmanuel Macron's speech on the future of Europe

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RTVS: Macron's vision for EU's future

Vladimír Bartovic commented on Macron's speech about Europe's future.

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