Le Temps: Local version of Donald Trump? Commentary of Martin Michelot

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot commented for the Swiss daily newspaper on the Czech parliamentary election.

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EUobserver: Commentary on the situation in the Czech Republic after the election

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the current political situation after the Czech parliamentary election.

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La Vanguardia: La República Checa acude a las urnas con un ‘Trump’ como favorito

Multimillionaire Andrej Babis leads polls for PM.

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Minerva: Trump comparison – an eurosceptic millionaire heads to win the elections in the Czech Republic

Our Christian Kvorning Lasses contributed to an article for the Norwegian Minerva about the Czech parliamentary elections and Andrej Babis' chances of winning.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?

On Tuesday October 3rd, 2017, we organized the second event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to challenge? The report is now available.

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ČT24: Upcoming summit about migration and security

Vladimír Bartovic in an interview for ČT24 commented on the upcominh european leaders about migration and security.

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Pravda.sk: The unity of EU was served by Juncker to V4 leaders

Head of our institute Vladimír Bartovic commented on the meeting of Jean-Claude Juncker with the leaders of the V4 countries in the eve of European summit on migration and security.

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The Democrat: República Checa: Crise política iniciada pelo CSSD favorece ascensão de Andrej Babis à liderança do governo

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the political situation in the Czech Republic for the Portuguese magazine "The Democrat".

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ČT24: Preparations for European summit underway

On October 17, our Director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of ČT24 Studio, where he commented on the topics of the upcoming summit of EU ministers.

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European Summer School 2017 – "Challenged Union: Making Sense of the Troublemakers" Report

The 15th annual European Summer School took place in July 2017 in Prague and we were happy to welcome 20 students from over 10 different countries. This year’s academic program was focused on the multiple challenges EU is facing at the moment.

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