Policy Paper | FROM STICK SHIFT TO SKILL SHIFT? Reskilling of automotive's employees in the eyes of the industry's stakeholders

V proškolování zaměstnanců automobilek není na co čekat, pokud nechceme, aby náš autoprůmysl zkostnatěl a zaniknul. Píše Rebeka Hengalová, výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

During the next debate in the EU-Pacific Talks series organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of the Russian attack on Ukraine. They also discussed the potential impact on the dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region and the ability of allies and partners to navigate their Indo-Pacific commitments. Read what our guests discussed in this report by Zuzana Augustova.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

Během další debaty ze série EU-Pacific Talks, kterou pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, se účastníci zapojili do živé debaty zahrnující různé aspekty ruského útoku na Ukrajinu. Diskutovali také o potenciálním dopadu na dynamiku indo-pacifického regionu a schopnosti spojenců a partnerů orientovat se ve svých závazcích oblasti Indo-Pacifiku. Přečtěte si o čem naši hosté debatovali v reportu, který napsala Zuzana Augustová.

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CNN Prima News | European migration pact: does the Czech Republic have an exemption or not?

The Chamber of Deputies discussed the EU Migration Pact for over three hours. The opposition criticises the pact and claims that it indirectly introduces quotas. At the same time, there is uncertainty about the interpretation of a possible exemption. What does the pact stipulate and what impact could it have on the Czech Republic? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for Partie Plus on CNN Prima News.

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BLOG | The Use of Article 7 as a Protection Tool for the Rule of Law and European Values

With Hungary taking over the EU presidency in July 2024, many are questioning the EU's ability to promote its values in its member states. Indeed, the EU is about to hand over its presidency to a state that has been criticised for its actions that threaten the rule of law and is subject to the procedure set out in Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), writes Maxime Painot in his blog.

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ČRo Plus | The EU lags behind the US and China due to weak capital strength and new technologies

The European Union economically lags behind the United States of America and China. The recent meeting in Brussels reflected concerns about a slowdown in the EU economy, which entered 2024 with lower-than-expected growth. EUROPEUM Institute analyst Vít Havelka commented on this situation for ČRo Plus.

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ČRo Plus | EU zaostává za USA a Čínou kvůli slabé kapitálové síle a novým technologiím

Evropská unie ekonomicky zaostává za Spojenými státy americkými a Čínou. Nedávné jednání v Bruselu reflektovalo obavy z útlumu ekonomiky EU, která vstoupila do roku 2024 s nižším růstem, než se předpokládalo. Analytik Institutu EUROPEUM Vít Havelka situaci komentoval pro ČRo Plus.

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Novinky.cz | Migration Pact: Non-compliance could lead to fines

The Migration Pact consists of ten legislative proposals that passed the European Parliament last week. They still have to be voted on in the Council of Ministers. Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to lawsuits and heavy fines. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the Migration Pact for Novinky.cz.

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RTVS | Extraordinary Summit in Brussels

The extraordinary summit in Brussels is focusing on competitiveness and the EU's strategic agenda, including the strengthening of the single market, Turkey-EU relations, Ukraine and Israel. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for Slovak RTVS.

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20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West: Is the EU Ready for Another “Big Bang” Enlargement?

We would like to invite you to a debate on a topic "20 Years of Reuniting Europe’s East and West: Is the EU Ready for Another “Big Bang” Enlargement?" The debate will take place on Thursday, April 4, from 16:00 to 17:15 h at Prague University of Economics and Business.

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