Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

How to tackle the issue with returning foreign fighters? Our Christian Kvorning contributed to the new IFAT publication with a chapter about the Aarhus model.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the visit of the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte in the White House

Our Alexandr Lagazzi comments the visit of the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the White House and his meeting with Donald Trump.

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New Security Challenges from a Visegrad 4 Perspective

Martin Michelot and Martin Macq wrote an introductory chapter for the new IFAT's publication on the security challenges for the V4 countries.

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TA3: Vladimír Bartovic on the meeting of the US President and President of the European Commission

Our Vladimír Bartovic comments the meeting of the US President Donald Trump and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker

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TRT World: NATO's Future: How will Trump influence the alliance?

Our Martin Michelot participated in a roundtable hosted by TRT World on the NATO Summit and Trump's influence on the Alliance.

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Albania and the Western Balkans enlargement process – The need for reciprocity

Our Laura Skana summarized the EU enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans.

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ECFR: The Nightmare Of The Dark - The Security Fears That Keep Europeans Awake At Night

European Council on Foreign Relations issued an analysis shortly after the NATO Brussels 2018 Summit on the perceived security threats by the EU. Our director Vladimír Bartovic contributed with the Czech perspective.

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ČT24: Foreign policy of the new government

Our director Vladimír Bartovic spoke in the Studio 6 on Wednesday 27th of June about the foreign policy of the newly appointed government.

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The Future of Transatlantic Relations in Light of President Trump

Moving the country in a path of isolation, Trump has diluted European allies’ confidence that the United States is a reliable partner in upholding commitments and agreements.

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EURACTIV: Platform for Coal Regions in Transition has to stick to the participation principle, otherwise it can be harmful

Our Kateřina Davidová wrote an article for EURACTIV about the possible negative consequences of the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition

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